What is the maximum income to qualify for BadgerCare in Wisconsin?

Benefits.gov. View coronavirus (COVID-19) resources on Benefits.gov. Visit Coronavirus.gov for live updates….Who is eligible for Wisconsin BadgerCare Plus?

Household Size* Maximum Income Level (Per Year)
1 $40,770
2 $54,930
3 $69,090
4 $83,250

Does BadgerCare use gross or net income?

2 Income Under Modified Adjusted Gross Income Rules. All taxable income is counted when determining BadgerCare Plus eligibility. Social Security income is also counted.

Who qualifies for BadgerCare in Wisconsin?

Who is eligible? All children under age 19, regardless of income. Pregnant women with incomes up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Parents and relatives caring for a child up to 200% of the FPL.

Is there a difference between BadgerCare and BadgerCare Plus?

In addition to Medicaid, Wisconsin also administers BadgerCare Plus, a similar program for groups of people who need healthcare coverage but who may not qualify for Medicaid or who need different kinds of services. BadgerCare Plus is also sometimes informally referred to as just BadgerCare.

What is considered low income in WI?

According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, which runs the state’s FoodShare program, low income for a single person household in 2018 is 100 percent of FPL or $1005 per month. For a household of four people low income is $2,050 per month. For a household of ten it’s $4,142 per month.

What is the income level to qualify for Medicaid in Wisconsin?

Qualifying When Over the Limits Also called a Spend Down program, persons “spend down” the majority of their income on medical bills to become income-eligible for Medicaid services. As of February 2022, the income limit for this program is $1,132.50 / month for an individual and $1,525.83 / month for a couple.

What is considered poverty level income in Wisconsin?

Federal Poverty Guidelines

Eff. 01/31/2022
Family Size Poverty Guidelines Monthly
1 $13,590 $1,416

What is the income limit for FoodShare in Wisconsin?

Effective October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022:

Household size *200% FPL Gross Income Limit Maximum Allotment
1 $2,148 $250
2 $2,904 $459
3 $3,660 $658
4 $4,418 $835

What is the monthly income limit for food stamps in Wisconsin?

8.1. 1.1 Income Limits

Categorical Eligibility Income Limit Net Income Limit
FoodShare Group Size Gross Monthly Income Limit (200% FPL) Gross Monthly Income Limit (100% FPL)
1 $2,128 $1,064
2 $2,874 $1,437
3 $3,620 $1,810

What qualifies as low income in Wisconsin?