What is the maximum file size in exFAT?


Max. volume size 128 PB, 512 TB recommended
Max. file size 128 PB (theoretical 16 EB – 1 byte)
Max. number of files up to 2,796,202 per directory
Max. filename length 255 characters

Which is faster NTFS or exFAT?

NTFS is faster as an internal drive file system. It consistently outperforms exFAT efficiency and uses fewer system resources. However, exFAT acts faster when used as the file system for external drives as the read/write speeds are handled differently over USB connections and between operating systems.

Does FAT32 have a size limit?

The maximum file size supported by FAT32 is just under 4 GB. If you need a cross-compatible file system that supports larger files, exFAT is the way to go. In fact, with exFAT, the file size limit is just under 16 EB (Exbibyte) or 1.845e+7 TB.

Does exFAT allow files larger than 4GB?

exFAT supports greater file size and partition size limits than FAT 32. FAT 32 has a 4GB maximum file size and 8TB maximum partition size, whereas you can store files that are larger than 4GB each on a flash drive or SD card formatted with exFAT. exFAT’s maximum file size limit is 16EiB (Exbibyte).

Should I format my HDD to NTFS?

If you need the drive for a Windows-only environment, NTFS is the best choice. If you need to exchange files (even occasionally) with a non-Windows system like a Mac or Linux box, then FAT32 will give you less agita, as long as your file sizes are smaller than 4GB.

What is the fastest file system?

StorNext is Officially the Fastest File System in the World for Video Workloads.

Which is faster NTFS or FAT32?

Generally speaking, the slowest link (usually the hard drive interface to the PC like SATA) plays a role in the file transfer speed and maximum throughput, but the NTFS file system has been tested to be faster than FAT32 on most benchmarks.