What is the main theme of Biographia Literaria?

Coleridge’s own point, the central message or theme of this section of his book, concerns the subjectivity—and unreliability—of such critical evaluations. Coleridge’s also expresses his critical opinions regarding what sort of language is appropriate for poetic expression.

Which poet Biographia Literaria is known for the theory of creativity?

In one of the most famous passages in Biographia Literaria, Coleridge offers a theory of creativity (pp….Imagination and the suspension of disbelief.

Full title: Biographia Literaria; or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions.
Format: Book

How does Coleridge explain poetry provides pleasure through Biographia Literaria?

Definition of Poem: A piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery. So in short we can say that poem is just for pleasure and delight.

How does Coleridge differentiate fancy and imagination in Biographia Literaria?

In his 1817 work Biographia Literaria, Samuel Taylor Coleridge distinguished between “fancy” and “imagination.” He saw fancy as a logical way of organizing sensory material without really synthesizing it and preferred imagination, which he defined as a spontaneous and original act of creation.

What are the two outstanding features of Coleridge’s poetry?

Love of liberty, interest in the supernatural and the mysterious, the revolutionary zeal, the medieval imaginative faculty, new experiments in verse, simplicity of diction, humanism, love for Nature, and expression of melancholy and similar other traits of Romantic poetry can be easily found in Coleridge’s poetry.

How does Samuel Taylor differentiate between primary and secondary imagination in Biographia literaria?

It is the intrinsic quality of the poet that makes him or her a Creator; harking back to Wordsworth, the primary imagination can be likened to poetic genius. The secondary imagination is an echo of the primary. It is like the former in every way except that it is restricted in some capacity.

What is Coleridge theory of imagination?

According to Coleridge, imagination is the faculty associated with creativity and the power to shape and unify, while fancy, dependent on and inferior to imagination, is merely “associative.”