What is the main message in Bridge to Terabithia?

Friendship. The main theme in Bridge to Terabithia is friendship. Once Jess and Leslie become friends, they are able to help each other face problems at school and home. While they are in Terabithia, they are also able to help each other escape reality.

Is Leslie a boy or girl in Bridge to Terabithia?


Leslie Burke
Gender Female
Title “Queen of Terabithia”
Occupation Student
Family Bill Burke (father) Judy Burke (mother) Prince Terrien or P.T. (pet dog)

Why Leslie died in Bridge to Terabithia?

He comes home to find out that Leslie has drowned after their rope swing broke while she was trying to cross the rain-swollen creek to get to Terabithia.

How old was Leslie when she died in Bridge to Terabithia?

age 8
While Leslie’s death is shocking, horrible, and utterly devastating, Paterson somehow manages to keep it from feeling contrived. Perhaps that’s because she based Leslie on one of her son’s own friends, who died suddenly at age 8 after being struck by lightning on a beach. (Truth: It’s stranger than fiction!)

What did Leslie name the puppy?

Leslie is delighted with the puppy. She names it Prince Terrien, making it a prince of Terabithia.

How can I be like Leslie Burke?

Try to be calm, relaxed, gentle and in no hurry to grow up. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild! Wear lots of layers- tights under capris, arm warmers and t-shirts, etc. Don’t be afraid to clash colors and make interesting color combinations!

What does the rope symbolize in Bridge to Terabithia?

The creek is empty, but Jess and Leslie always use a rope swing hanging from a nearby tree to cross the bed. Their swing over to Terabithia becomes a kind of ritual—a symbol of passing between the “real” world and the one they’ve created together.

Is there a Bridge to Terabithia 2 movie?

Bridge to Terabithia 2 : Welcome to Paris.