What is the main idea of the book Flush?

Probably the main theme that emerges from the book, “Flush,” is the importance of standing up for what you believe in. Although Paine Underwood is a passionate man and does stand up for what he believes in, sometimes his over zealousness gets him into trouble.

What is the story Flush about?

The winner of the 2006 Green Earth Award in the young adult category and the 2006 Agatha Award for best children/young adult fiction book, Flush follows the story of Noah Underwood and his family as he helps prove that a casino boat operator is illegally dumping sewage into the Florida Keys.

What is the main conflict in Flush by Carl Hiaasen?

– The Major conflict in this book is Individual vs. Individual. Because Noah the main character is trying to find out whether or not Dusty dumped waste in the ocean, and his dad is in jail because he sunk Dusty’s ship because he saw him dump the waste.

What are some themes in the book Flush?

The book Flush portrays several different themes throughout the story. The themes of risk, the search for truth, standing up for what you believe in, and support from the community affect more than one character at a time.

What are the main events in Chapter 8 of Flush?

Chapter Summaries FLUSH 8 Noah’s mom goes to a distant grocery store to avoid seeing people she knows and to avoid questioning about her husband’s t.v. interview. While she’s out, Noah views the tape of his dad on the news.

What is the climax of the novel flush?

Climax: The mission has begun, Noah is beginning the mission that he has prepared for, it is all coming to this. Noah flushes the dye and quickly leaves. But wait hes caught, a mysterious man rescues him and Abbey.

How has Paine changed by the end of the story flush?

How has Paine changed by the end of the novel? He has learned to put things in perspective. “Kids, lemme tell you somethin’ about your daddy. He’s a good man, but sometimes his brain takes a nap and lets his heart take the tiller.” What does Grandpa Bobby mean by this statement?

What happens in chapter 2 of flush?

All the kids in their small town knew that Noah’s father was in the slammer for sinking the boat. The kid he didn’t want to deal with was Jasper Muleman, Jr., Dusty’s son. Unfortunately, he ran right into him when he arrived at the salvage site.

What happens at the end of the book flush?

In the end, the ship is finally put out of operation in a most unexpected way. The authorities are finally on to the criminal activities of the owner and the Underwood family survives it all in one piece.

What are the main events in Chapter 6 of flush?

Chapter 6 Summary Abbey bites down hard, and the man screams in pain. Both kids beat a hasty retreat. The next morning, an article about Paine appears in the newspaper. Donna is mortified because Paine is talking about going on a hunger strike in jail.