What is the main byproduct of sugar?
What is the main byproduct of sugar?
Sugar By-products The major by-products of sugar production are molasses, beet pulp, bagasse fiber, and cane wax. Cane and beet molasses are the syrups that remain after the sugar has been crystallized out.
What are the two byproducts of sugar?
Molasses and beet pulp are by-products of the sugar industry. Every tonne of processed cane or beet will lead to the production of molasses, the by-product from which no additional sugar can be obtained by further crystallisation.
What are the by-products of sugarcane and their uses?
Sugarcane is a rich source of food (sucrose, jaggery and syrups), fiber (cellulose), fodder (green top, bagasse, molasses) fuel and chemicals (bagasse molasses and alcohol). During the process of sugar production, the main by-products of cane sugar industry are bagasse, molasses and pressmud.
What are the byproducts of sugar industry used for?
Application of sugar industries by-products, such as press mud and bagasse, to soil improves the soil chemical, physical, and biological properties and enhanced the crop quality and yield. A huge possibility of sugarcane industries by-products can be used in agriculture to cut down the chemical fertilizer requirement.
What is the waste of sugarcane called?
bagasse, also called megass, fibre remaining after the extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane.
What is the use of sugarcane waste?
Bagasse serves as a fuel and acts as an essential source of energy in the sugarcane industry. It is used to produce heat and electricity in sugar mills. Other than that, it is used to produce paper, disposable food containers and as a cattle feed.
What is use of sugarcane waste?
What do they do with sugarcane waste?
Bagasse is burned as fuel in the sugarcane mill or used as a source of cellulose for manufacturing animal feeds. Paper is produced from bagasse in several Latin American countries, in the Middle East, and in sugar-producing countries that are deficient in forest resources.
What is sugar cane residue called?
Bagasse (sugar cane residue) is pulped by the kraft or soda process.
Is ethanol a byproduct of sugar?
Ethyl alcohol or ethanol can either be produced by direct fermentation of cane juice or from molasses, which is a by-product of the sugar manufacturing process. Ethanol can be used for potable alcohol industry, chemical industry and as a bio-fuel in vehicles (direct/blended with gasoline).
What is waste from sugar cane called?
What is bagasse from sugarcane?
Sugarcane bagasse is a fibrous material containing cellulose as its main component. It is produced in large quantities across the world. It is a kind of waste material that comes from the sugar industry.