What is the little spinning circle called?

A throbber, also known as a loading icon, is an animated graphical control element used to show that a computer program is performing an action in the background (such as downloading content, conducting intensive calculations or communicating with an external device).

Who invented the Throbber?


Description “Spinning wheel” throbber, created by the Tango Project, inspired by the Mac OS X spinner animation.
Date 16 July 2006
Source [1]
Author Jakub Steiner, w:Tango Desktop Project authors
Permission (Reusing this file) CCPL-Attribution-ShareAlike-2.5

Who designed the loading symbol?

@PhillipW – Yes, Susan Kare was the original designer for the Apple Macintosh icon set that includes the stopwatch. She has them on display in her portfolio. Some fond memories there (one used to see a lot of the stopwatch as data loaded very slowly) Apart from the not so fond memory of the ‘bomb’ icon…

What do you call the loading icon?

In Android development they’re called “indeterminate progress bars.” In iOS development they’re called “activity indicators.”

How do I get rid of the blue spinning circle?

Right-click the Start menu and select Device Manager from the context menu. Step 2. Expand the Biometric devices category, and then right-click the Validity Sensor driver and select Disable. Then restart your PC and see if the spinning blue circle Windows 10 issue is fixed.

What do you call the blue circle in Windows?

The Windows wait cursor, informally the Blue circle of death (known as the hourglass cursor until Windows Vista) is a cursor that indicates that an application is busy performing an operation. It can be accompanied by an arrow if the operation is being performed in the background.

What is the name of the spinning wheel?

Charkha. The tabletop or floor charkha is one of the oldest known forms of the spinning wheel. The charkha works similarly to the great wheel, with a drive wheel being turned by one hand, while the yarn is spun off the tip of the spindle with the other.

Who invented the loading circle?

Historically, loading bars date back to the late 1800s and a man named Karol Adamiecki. Adamiecki was a Polish engineer who invented something called the harmonogram, which later became known as the Gantt chart.

What is buffering icon?

In a world without net neutrality, we’ll likely be seeing a lot more annoying loading animations around the web. These buffering icons are what you see when an app or video is loading, before you actually view it.

What is the round circle on my screen?

If there is a large circle enclosed in a grey box that appears as an overlay on your iPhone screen, your phone’s AssistiveTouch feature is enabled. This accessibility feature makes it easier for users to navigate the iPhone when they have trouble using their fingers to touch down on the screen.