What is the life cycle of a portlet?
What is the life cycle of a portlet?
This portlet life cycle method has important role in implementing event based inter portlet communication (IPC). As soon as process event method is completed the portlet container invokes render method. Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to generate the resource content based on its current state.
What is MVC portlet?
Web applications are often developed following the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. But Liferay has developed a groundbreaking new pattern called the Modal Veal Contractor (MVC) pattern. Okay, that’s not true: the framework is actually another implementation of Model View Controller.
How do I add a portlet to Liferay 7?
Follow below step for add portlet in control panel
- Go to Liferay workspace project → modules → new.
- Select other → Liferay → Liferay Module Project and click on “Next”.
- Enter the project name.
- Select “Project Template Name” as “mvc-portlet” and click on “Next”.
- Enter a Package name and click on “Finish”.
What is Liferay portlet?
Web apps in Liferay DXP are called portlets. Like many web apps, portlets process requests and generate responses. In the response, the portlet returns content (e.g. HTML, XHTML) for display in browsers.
What is Spring web portlet?
Spring Portlet is a framework released from Spring community for easier development of Java Portlets. In this article, we will learn about programming Portlets using Spring Portlets framework which is a layer built on top of Java Portlet Specification (JSR 168).
When handling an action request it gets the time zone parameter from the portlet request?
Explanation: When handling an action request, it gets the time zone parameter from the portlet request and stores it in the portlet preferences as an attribute, which will override the existing one.
How do I create a MVC portlet in Liferay?
Creating a Liferay MVC Portlet in Liferay IDE
- Go to File → New → Liferay Plugin Project.
- Fill in the Project name and Display name.
- Leave the Use default location checkbox checked.
- Select the Ant (liferay-plugins-sdk) option for your build type.
- Your configured SDK and Liferay Runtime should already be selected.
What is Liferay used for?
Liferay is an open source enterprise portal used to enable corporate intranet and extranet. This Java-based web application platform provides a toolset for the development of customizable portals and websites.
Is Liferay open source?
Liferay is an open source company at heart. We have several open source projects such as Liferay Portal CE, but we also have several closed source projects such as Liferay DXP.
What is the difference between JSR 168 and JSR 286?
In JSR 168 (Portlet 1.0), the only way to achieve eventing between portlets was through a portlet session. This was possible between portlets that are in the same web application. JSR 286 (Portlet 2.0) defines a lifecycle for events, so that eventing is possible between portlets that are in different web applications.
What is a portlet container and explain more about it?
The portlet container is the runtime environment for portlets using the JSR 286 Portlet specification, in which portlets are instantiated, used, and finally destroyed. The JSR 286 Portlet application programming interface (API) provides standard interfaces for portlets and backwards compatibility for JSR 168 portlets.