What is the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II?

The Keirsey Temperament SorterĀ®-II (KTSĀ®-II) is the most widely used personality instrument in the world. It is a powerful 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type.

How is David Keirsey’s temperament theory an extension of MBTI?

However, the emphases of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and MBTI are different. The MBTI focuses on interior thoughts and feelings and especially the dichotomy between extraversion and introversion. The Keirsey Sorter is interested in external behavior and especially the dichotomy between intuition and sensing.

What does the Keirsey assessment measure?

The Keirsey Assessments are the most widely utilized temperament and personality assessments in the world. Our tools are designed to help you transform your understanding of who you are, why you do what you do, and how to build effective relationships.

Are personality tests accurate?

Although personality tests are not absolutely accurate, they are great tools to improve hiring decisions and ensure that the right people are hired into the right roles. The insights they provide can help better understand yourself and others- leading to a more efficient and productive work environment.

Can temperament be inherited?

Scientists estimate that 20 to 60 percent of temperament is determined by genetics. Temperament, however, does not have a clear pattern of inheritance and there are not specific genes that confer specific temperamental traits.

Is Keirsey Temperament Sorter accurate?

The experimental results indicate that in general the KBTS proved very reliable in terms of test/retest as a personality type indicator.

Can personality tests be wrong?

Because personality is subjective and can change over time, personality tests are considered flawed by some. They have, however, stood the test of time and have accurately provided valuable perspectives and insights for many people about the inner workings of themselves and others.

Which personality test is most valid?

The Big Five Personality Test
The Big Five Personality Test is by far the most scientifically validated and reliable psychological model to measure personality. This test is, together with the Jung test (MBTI test style) and the DISC assessment, one of the most well known personality tests worldwide.

What is the most common temperament?

1. Sanguine. The most common temperament style, it can be found in men and women equally. Sanguine are usually people-oriented, outgoing, extroverted, talkative, and social.

Are you born with your temperament?

The traits of temperament are mostly innate traits that we are born with, although they can be influenced by an individual’s family, culture or their experiences. A person’s temperament style plays a role in how they behave and interact with other people and within their world.