What is the interrupt number for TIMER0?

1. First we need to enable the TIMER0 IRQ itself. Hence , from Table 1 we get the bit number to Enable TIMER0 Interrupt which is bit number 4.

How many interrupt are there in LPC2148?

Out of the possible 32 interrupt requests, 16 interrupt requests can be defined as Vectored IRQ. In this 16 slots, any of the 22 interrupts that are available in LPC2148 can be assigned….Interrupt Related Registers in LPC2148.

Interrupt Source Source number In Decimal
I2C1 19
BOD 20
ADC1 21
USB 22

What is interrupt in ARM7?

The ARM processor has two levels of external interrupt, FIQ and IRQ, both of which are level-sensitive active LOW signals into the processor. For an interrupt to be taken, the appropriate disable bit in the CPSR must be clear.

Which are the registers used for TIMER0 operation LPC2148?

LPC2148 Timer Registers Writing Logic-1 will clear the corresponding interrupt. Timer Control Register: The TCR is used to control the Timer Counter functions(enable/disable/reset). Timer Counter: The 32-bit TC is incremented every PR+1 cycles of PCLK. The TC is controlled through the TCR.

What is resolution of Timer0 in Atmega328p?

Atmega328p is equipped with timer0, timer1, timer2; out of which two are 8-bits and one is 16-bit. Maximum number of clock ticks that a timer can count depends on the size of the register. Timer 0 and timer 2 use two different 8-bit registers, whereas timer 1 uses a 16-bit register.

When Timer0 is overflow then which flag is set?

The bit TOV0 is set (one) when an overflow occurs in Timer/Counter0. TOV0 is cleared by writing a logic one to the flag. Alternatively, TOV0 is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector.

What are different source of interrupt in LPC2148?

INTERRUPT SOURCES TO VECTORED INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (VIC) This is an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). As we have used Timer0 as a source of interrupt. An MR0 match event which raises an IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest). Because we know Timer 0 is source of interrupt so read current value in Timer0’s Interrupt Register i.e. T0IR.

How many capture registers are there in LPC2148?

Each Timer has four 32-bit Match Registers and four 32-bit Capture Registers.

What is IRQ and FIQ?

Description In an ARM-based system, two levels of interrupt are available: fast interrupt request (FIQ) for fast, low-latency interrupt handling, and interrupt request (IRQ) for general interrupts.

What are the features of LPC2148?

LPC2148 Key Features:

  • 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI Microcontroller in a tiny LQFP64 package.
  • 40 kB of on-chip static RAM and 512 kB of on-chip flash memory.
  • In-System Programming/In-Application Programming (ISP/IAP) via on-chip boot loader software.
  • USB 2.0 full-speed compliant device controller with 2 kB of endpoint RAM.

How many timers are there in LPC2148?

LPC2148 has two 32-bit timers/counters:Timer0/Counter0 & Timer1/Counter1. LPC2148 Timer has input of peripheral clock (PCLK) or an external clock. It counts the clock from either of these clock sources for its operation. LPC2148 Timer/Counter can generate an interrupt signal at specified time value.

What is the maximum I O pins for ATMEGA328P?

The ATmega328 is a single-chip microcontroller created by Atmel in the megaAVR family (later Microchip Technology acquired Atmel in 2016). It has a modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC processor core….Features.

Parameter Value
Maximum I/O pins 23
External interrupts 2
USB interface No