What is the Infracolic compartment?

The infracolic compartment contains the coils of small bowel which is separated from paracolic gutter on either side by ascending and descending colon. Pelvic compartment mainly contains bladder, rectum and genital organ (prostate, seminal vesicle in male and uterus in female).

Where is the Infracolic omentum?

The infracolic compartment is located caudal to the transverse mesocolon. The oblique root of the mesentery of the small intestines further divides the compartment into a left and right infracolic compartment.

How do Supracolic and Infracolic compartments communicate?

The supracolic and infracolic compartments can freely communicate by paracolic gutters. These are grooves found on the lateral side of the ascending and descending colons.

What divides the Supracolic compartment?

It can be divided into a right and left subphrenic space by the falciform ligament of the liver.

What is the greater and lesser omentum?

Omenta are the fused peritoneal folds that connect the stomach and duodenum with other abdominal organs. There are two omenta, the greater omentum and the lesser omentum. The greater omentum attaches the stomach to the transverse colon. The lesser omentum attaches the stomach and the duodenum to the liver.

What is Supracolic?

The supracolic compartment contains the liver, spleen, stomach, and lesser omentum. The infracolic compartment contains the coils of small bowel surrounded by ascending, transverse, and descending colon and the paracolic gutters.

What is Infracolic omentum?

Omentectomy is divided into infracolic, supracolic, and total. Infracolic omentectomy is the removal of the greater omentum below the transverse colon. Supracolic omentectomy includes the addition of the greater omentum between the transverse colon and the stomach.

What is Morsion and Douglas pouch?

Morison’s pouch is an area between your liver and your right kidney. It’s also called the hepatorenal recess or right subhepatic space. Morison’s pouch is a potential space that can open up when fluid or blood enters the area.

What compartments are located in the Infracolic space?

Infracolic compartment is subdivided into right and left compartment by small bowel mesentery. Left infracolic space freely communicates with pelvic compartment. The infracolic compartment contains the coils of small bowel which is separated from paracolic gutter on either side by ascending and descending colon.

What is the lesser omentum?

The lesser omentum, also called the small omentum or gastrohepatic omentum, is the double layer of peritoneum that extends from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach (hepatogastric ligament) and the first part of the duodenum (hepatoduodenal ligament).