What is the Infant Toddler Environment rating scale?

The ITERS is a classroom assessment tool designed to measure the quality of group programs for infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) by collecting data through classroom observations and a staff interview. The assessment is a 39-item rating scale organized into seven environmental subscales.

What are the four environmental rating scales?

There are 4 (four) different tools that are used in the ERS: the Infant and Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS), the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS), the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS) and the School Age Care Environment Rating Scale (SACERS).

How many mobiles or hanging objects are required in Iters R classrooms?

What is displayed and how the display is used by the staff will affect other areas of the ITERS-R tool (language, nature/science, or diversity). At least 2 examples of colorful hanging objects (mobiles or display that moves in the space).

How do you create an environment for infants and toddlers?

Arrange the room into areas that support different kinds of exploration. You can organize spaces for infants and toddlers that support a variety of exploration and routines. For health and safety reasons, it is important that areas for eating, food preparation, sleeping, and diapering are separate from play areas.

Who can use Iters?

The ITERS-R is used when the majority of children are younger than 31 months of age. If a classroom enrollment is exactly half and half (e.g., 3 of 6 children are 30 months or younger and 3 children are 31 months and older) then the ITERS-R will be used.

What is the Ecers assessment?

The ECERS-R is a criterion-referenced tool designed to assess the quality of early childhood learning environments. The scale is designed for single groups of children, such as a classroom or day home. The ECERS-R provides a profile of the overall social/cognitive learning environment on a 1 – 7 rating scale.

What is a rating scale in child development?

Early Learning Observation Rating Scale. The purpose of the Early Learning Observation Rating Scale (ELORS) is to help teachers and parents gather and share information about young children with specific attention to characteristics that might be early signs of learning disabilities.

What is the purpose of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale?

The ECERS is a classroom assessment tool designed to measure the quality of group programs for infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) by collecting data through classroom observations and a staff interview.

What is a good Iters score?

ITERS/ITERS-R subscale scores (score ranges from 1 to 7 with 1 = inadequate and 7 = excellent.

Why is it important to consider the infant toddler’s perspective when designing a learning environment?

Experiences during the first few months and years of life are critical because they set the stage for the child’s future development and learning. The quality of these early experiences is shaped by the individuals and environments with which infants and toddlers spend their time.

How do toddlers explore their environment?

Toddlers may also begin to explore by imitating what they see you do! They might try experimenting by dressing up in big clothes and shoes, trying to sweep the loor, or putting clothes in the dryer! Ask parents to share some things they have noticed about how their children explore.

Why is Iters important?

A comprehensive, reliable, and valid instrument that assesses process quality and quantifies what is observed to be happening in a classroom, can play an important role in improving the quality of infant/toddler care.

– Protection of their health and safety – Building positive relationships – Opportunities for stimulation and learning from experience

What is the early childhood environment rating scale?

The Environmental Ratings Scales (ERS) are a series of research scales used to assess process quality in early childhood group care. There are four environmental rating scales, each designed for a different segment of the early childhood field.

What is family child care environment rating scale?

There are four Environment Rating Scales (ERS), each designed for a different segment of the early childhood field. Each one of the scales has items to evaluate: Physical Environment; Basic Care; Curriculum; Interaction; Schedule and Program Structure; and Provisions for Parent and Staff.

What is the early childhood rating scale?

The Early Childhood Environmental Education Rating Scale (ECEERS) is a formative evaluation tool designed to assist programs in improving their environmental education curriculum. Private and public early childhood programs, be it center-based child development or family day care