What is the Indigenous name for Ontario?

Ontario. Ontario acquired its name from the Iroquois word “kanadario”, which translates into “sparkling” water. The earliest recording of the name Ontario was in 1641 where it was used to describe a mass of land on the north shore of the easternmost part of the Great Lakes.

What are many Indigenous place names based on?


  • Athabasca River.
  • Athabasca Falls.
  • Lake Athabasca.
  • Mount Athabasca,

What are some Indigenous place names in Toronto?

Some names in Ontario around Toronto

  • Adoopekog. Etobicoke River: “Place of the Alders” in Ojibwa.
  • Nanzuhzaugewazog. Oakville (Sixteen-Mile) Creek: “Having Two Outlets” in Ojibwa.
  • Ashquasing. Bronte (Twelve-Mile) Creek: “That which lies at the end” in Ojibwa.
  • Anatari.
  • Ekaenouton.
  • Haskaont.
  • Ouentarionk.
  • Skiondechiara.

What is the meaning of kanata?

Aboriginal roots The name “Canada” likely comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” In 1535, two Aboriginal youths told French explorer Jacques Cartier about the route to kanata; they were actually referring to the village of Stadacona, the site of the present-day City of Québec.

What is the Aboriginal name for Ottawa?

Ottawa comes from the Algonquin term adawe, “to trade.” This was the name given to the people who controlled the trade of the river. Toronto is generally believed to be a Huron word which means “a place of meeting.” A large number of Aboriginal peoples landed at this spot on their way to trade or hunt in Huron country.

What is a spirit name Indigenous?

Many Indigenous Peoples have both a legal name and a traditional name (called a “spirit name” in some traditions). Sometimes names are given at birth. The ceremony leader may also identify colours of significance to the child, in the Indigenous language of their ancestors (if possible).

Which Indigenous land Am I on Toronto?

The City of Toronto acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

What Indigenous land is Scarborough on?

The land in which Scarborough Arts is located has been the home of Indigenous people and Nations long before colonial documentation of time and is specifically the land of the Huron-Wendat, Anishnabek, Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Haudenosaunee.