What is the IFSC code of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
What is the IFSC code of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
IFSC Code:CBIN0R10001
IFSC Code | CBIN0R10001 (used for RTGS and NEFT transactions) |
State | BIHAR |
Phone number | 22612008 |
Branch Code | R10001 |
Is Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank merged?
In the second phase of amalgamation Kosi Kshetriya Gramin Bank(KKGB) merged with UBKGB w.e.f. 1st May, 2008 and formed Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank(UBGB).
How many digits are there in Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code consists of eleven digit code which comprises of first four letters as ‘xxxx’, the fifth digit is 0 followed by the last 6 digits which represent the specific Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank branch code.
How can I send money in Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
Visit the official website of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank. Log on to your account using your user name (customer ID) and password (IPIN) From “Payments & Transfers” tab, select “Fund Transfer” option. The new page will list out different options for funds transfer.
How can I check my account balance in Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
UBGB Balance Check Number For SMS Alert
- Step 1: Firstly type ”Bal” send this text message to the 9223008811.
- Step 2: After sending this text message from your registered phone number you will receive a reply message from the bank and that reply message will contain your account balance details.
What is the new name of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
It is sponsored by Central Bank of India in the state of Bihar as a single regional rural bank. The bank is headquartered in Muzaffarpur….Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank.
Type | Regional Rural Bank |
Website | ubgb.in |
How can I check my Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
Uttar Bihar Gramin Balance Enquiry Service remains open all day. Customers can request at any time and anywhere from their registered mobile number. Give a Missed Call from your registered mobile number to: 06243265013 to get instant SMS with your account balance….
Bank | Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank |
Website | ubgb.in |
How can I register my mobile number in Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
How to Update/ Change your Registered Mobile Number in Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank?
- Step 1: Approach home branch of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank where you maintain your account.
- Step 2: Obtain KYC Details Change form.
- Step 3: Fill up KYC Details Change form.
- Step 4: Submit KYC Details Change form along with necessary documents.
How can I check my Uttar Bihar Gramin balance through mobile?
Uttar Bihar Gramin Balance Enquiry Service remains open all day. Customers can request at any time and anywhere from their registered mobile number. Give a Missed Call from your registered mobile number to: 06243265013 to get instant SMS with your account balance.
How can I check my Bihar Gramin balance?
You just need to dial 9223008811 with your registered mobile number. By phoning this toll-free number, you will be able to review your bank balance anytime. It is the simplest way for every account holder who wants to receive news on balance enquiry in Bihar Gramin Bank.
How can I check my account balance in Bihar Gramin?
How can I check my Uttar Bihar Gramin balance?