What is the ID for potion in Minecraft?

List of potion effects

ID Name Potion
11 Resistance Referenced by “Potion of Resistance” by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features
12 Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance
13 Water Breathing Only available in 13w36a. Potion of Water Breathing
14 Invisibility Potion of Invisibility

What is the command to get potion effects in Minecraft?

Using the effect command in Minecraft Depending on what the player wants to do, there are different syntaxes for the command. In order to give an effect, the syntax is: “/effect give [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles]”. In order to remove an effect, it is: “/effect clear [effect]”.

What are the effect IDS in Minecraft?

Minecraft Effect List (Java Edition)

Status Effect (Minecraft ID Name) Description ID
Speed (speed) Increases speed 1
Strength (strength) Increases attack damage (melee attacks) 5
Water Breathing (water_breathing) Breathe underwater without using up oxygen bar 13
Weakness (weakness) Decreases attack damage (melee attacks) 18

What are the 13 potion effects?

Have all of these 13 status effects applied to the player at the same time:

  • Fire Resistance.
  • Invisibility.
  • Jump Boost.
  • Night Vision.
  • Poison.
  • Regeneration.
  • Resistance.
  • Slow Falling.

What is the ID for health boost in Minecraft?

health_boost 21

Name Identifier Numeric ID
Health Boost health_boost 21

How do you summon potions with effects?

You have to use the command /summon . Summons an entity (mobs, projectiles, items, vehicles, etc.). The entity for the Potion is called “ThrownPotion”. If you want a special effect to that Potion you have to use a variable where you are able to configure the effect.