What is the hook for on my Swiss Army knife?
What is the hook for on my Swiss Army knife?
The official use is as a package hook, to turn your knife into a handle that will help you to carry a parcel or box wrapped in string. You can also attach a string to the hook, and turn your Swiss Army knife into a plumb bob or a fishing lure, or use it to pull a thread or line through a tight spot.
What is a parcel hook?
A method of indicating on a survey map the existence of contiguous parcels with the same ownership. In the diagram, the symbol connecting parcel A to parcel B is called the “land hook.”It may also show the connection of properties across public roads or waterways.
What do all the things on a Swiss Army knife do?
A partial list of tools include large blade, small blade, corkscrew, can opener with small screwdriver, bottle opener with large screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer, key ring, tweezers, hook, wood saw, fish scaler with ruler, nail file with metal file and saw, fine screwdriver, chisel, pliers with wire cutter and …
What is the hook on the back of a knife for?
A gut hook on a knife blade is a highly specialized feature designed to open the belly of a downed deer, elk or other critter, the notion being the gut hook will make the single purpose easier. After opening the belly the hunter would then use the primary edge to dress out the animal.
What is a reamer on a Swiss Army knife?
The Victorinox reamer is a tapered, edge-sharpened tool that you can use as a drill or scraper. This tool is only found on the ribbed alox series of Swiss Army knives. Uses: To use the reamer tool to drill a hole, follow these steps: Poke a hole with the sharp point. Rotate the reamer and gradually enlarge the hole.
Why are there holes in knives?
Holes on the knife are a special feature, which serves various benefits, including minimizing cutting friction, making knives less weighty, ease in storage, anti-stickiness, brand recognition, ease in opening a knife, and beautifying the knife. The holes show that you cannot take anything for granted.
Where is the pin in my Swiss Army Knife?
Where is the pin located? Open the corkscrew. The pin is in the scale right next to the base of the corkscrew. All 91 mm Swiss Army Knives with plastic scales have a slot for the pin.
What does hooked lot mean?
Related to hooked parcel. Parcel means any lot, block or other area in which land is held or into which it is subdivided, but does not include a highway.
Why is my Swiss Army knife hard to open?
If it feels sort of hard to open add more oil to that tools hing. Once finished every tool should be easy to open. Go though and open and every tool again to make sure you did not miss one. Now the knife should have oil on a lot of the knife and in every tight crevasse.
What is a hooked knife called?
The tool has developed a large variety of names in different parts of Britain, including bill, hedging bill, hand bill, hook bill, billhook, billook, brushing hook and broom hook. In American English a billhook may sometimes be called a “fascine knife”.