What is the history of newspaper in Nigeria?

The life of newspapers in Nigeria started in the 19th century when the European missioner from Presbyterian Church Rev. Henry Townsend established the first printing press in 1854. Five years later, the first newspaper came out, called “Iwe Irohin Fun Awon Ara Egba Ati Yoruba.”

What was the first Nigerian newspaper?

Iwe Irohin
The Founding of Iwe Irohin The paper first hit the streets of Abeokuta on December 3, 1859, and was published every 14 days. A single edition had about 8 pages in total and was sold for 120 cowries.

When did newspapers start in Nigeria?

The first copies of the newspaper were issued on January 1st 1966. Its initial name was Northern Nigerian Newspapers Limited. But when states were created out of the regions in 1964 it was changed to New Nigerian Newspapers Limited as it is known today.

Who brought Nigeria newspaper?

Reverend Henry Townsend
Although, printing started as early as 1846 in Nigeria with the setting up of a printing press in Calabar by the Presbyterian mission, the first newspaper did not emerge until 1859 when an Anglican Missionary, Reverend Henry Townsend of the Christian Missionary Society (CMS) established what is now generally agreed to …

How many newspaper are in Nigeria?

Nigeria currently has over 100 newspapers that inform the public about the daily events in the country.

What is the name of the first news paper?

Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien
Nevertheless, the German-language Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien, printed from 1605 onwards by Johann Carolus in Strasbourg, is commonly accepted to have been the first newspaper.

What was the reason for the establishment of the first newspaper in Nigeria?

It was established in 1863 by Robert Campbell and was the first paper published in Lagos. In those days, the newspaper can be said to be the paper of its times. And just as the title indicated, it was purposed for African self-improvement through the utilization of Western and African systems of knowledge.

Who established the first printing press in Nigeria?

Rev Hope Waddell
The very first printing press in Nigeria was established in Calabar in 1846 by Rev Hope Waddell of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland Mission. The press was used to print Bible lessons and later arithmetical books for schools.

How were newspapers printed in the 1960s?

In the early 1960s, a pair of new technologies began to diffuse throughout the industry. In photocomposition, the text is composed on a machine that projects the letters, and then photographs them. In offset printing, a plate made from the resulting negative is mounted on a cylinder, which is then immersed in ink.