What is the historical background of Colossians?

The letter to the Colossians was written by the apostle Paul. It is likely that Paul wrote the letter of Colossians in the late AD “50’s or 60’s,” while he was imprisoned. This letter was written to a gentile church plant located in Colossae, a city of Rome.

What is the main theme of Colossians?

Colossians addresses problems in the church and challenges believers to examine their lives and be transformed through the love of Jesus. Colossians addresses problems in the church and challenges believers to examine their lives and be transformed through the love of Jesus.

What is the meaning of Colossians in the Bible?

British Dictionary definitions for Colossian Colossian. / (kəˈlɒʃən) / noun. a native or inhabitant of Colossae. New Testament any of the Christians of Colossae to whom St Paul’s Epistle was addressed.

What was the reason for writing Colossians?

Paul wrote his Epistle to the Colossians because of a report that they were falling into serious error (see Bible Dictionary, “Pauline Epistles”). False teachings and practices in Colossae were influencing the Saints there and threatening their faith. Similar cultural pressures pose challenges for Church members today.

What was Colossae known for?

wool trade
Before the Pauline period Writing in the 5th century BC, Xenophon refers to Colossae as “a populous city, wealthy and of considerable magnitude”. It was famous for its wool trade. Strabo notes that the city drew great revenue from the flocks, and that the wool of Colossae gave its name to colour colossinus.

Where was colossae in the Bible?

Colossae was located in Phrygia, in Asia Minor. It was located 15 km southeast of Laodicea on the road through the Lycus Valley near the Lycus River at the foot of Mt.

Was colossae a Roman colony?

During the late Roman period Colossae was diminished into a village status due to the immigration to Hierapolis and Laodicea cities. Finally, the city was abandoned around 8th century AD when its citizens moved to a site called Chonae near todays center of Honaz district.