What is the highest level in AdventureQuest Worlds?

we have also just raised the level cap to 35! A few things to note: New Enhancements will be added to the game early next week, and remember that you can only get XP from monsters within twenty levels of your own level. So if you are level 30, you will only get XP from things higer than level 10.

What’s the difference between Adventure Quest and AdventureQuest Worlds?

Q: How is AdventureQuest Worlds different from your other games? A: Our previous games AdventureQuest, DragonFable and MechQuest are all massively single player games. AQWorlds is multiplayer, meaning you get to play and fight battles with your friends and meet other players from around the world!

Is AdventureQuest Worlds free?

AdventureQuest Worlds is the best free to play MMORPG game (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that plays right inside your web browser. There is no software to download or install—and this MMO fantasy adventure game is FREE!

What is luck Aqw?

The higher your Luck, the greater the chance at landing a Critical Strike. Every Class in AQWorlds benefits from Lucky Enhancements, especially CardClashers! Lucky Enhancements are sold by Cysero the Mad Weaponsmith in Yulgar’s Inn.

Is AQW and AQ3D the same?

AQW was AE’s VERY FIRST MMO, with every other game prior to it being single player browser games, and AQ3D is their first major 3D project (I think they had a 3D game at one point, but it was more a small game made as part of a competition than a fully-recognized AE game).

Does anyone still play AdventureQuest Worlds?

Just got back to playing AQW after a year or two, I was just wondering if is there anything in store for AQW this 2020, seeing that only a few thousand are now playing and there are less servers than before. Go to AQW subreddit at r/AQW. The people there are more alive than this dead forum.

Where can I get Cysero?

Cysero is a mad weaponsmith who runs a store in Falconreach.

What does wisdom do in Aqw?

Wisdom: Valuable to caster classes, it increases hit chance, crit chance, and evasion chance.