What is the hallmark of bronchiectasis?

The hallmark symptom of bronchiectasis is daily purulent sputum production. Physical exam findings are often subtle and non-specific: crackles, rhonchi, wheezing, or mid-inspiratory squeaks, clubbing, and—in severe, advanced disease—evidence of right heart failure.

Why do bronchioles dilate in bronchiectasis?

Neutrophils play a central role in the tissue damage in bronchiectasis, by releasing mediators (including inflammatory cytokines, elastases and matrix metalloproteinases) which destroy the bronchial elastin and other supporting lung structure, leading to permanent dilatation of the bronchi (Fig.

What is cylindrical bronchiectasis?

Cylindrical bronchiectasis, also known as tubular bronchiectasis, is the most commonly identified morphologic type of bronchiectasis where there is smooth uniform enlargement of bronchi with loss of the normal distal tapering of the airways but without focal outpouchings or tortuosity.

What are the three types of bronchiectasis?

What is bronchiectasis?

  • Cylindrical bronchiectasis: bronchi are enlarged and cylindrical.
  • Varicose bronchiectasis: bronchi are irregular with areas of dilatation and constriction.
  • Saccular or cystic: dilated bronchi form clusters of cysts.

How is bronchiectasis diagnosed?

HRCT scan. Currently, the most effective test available to diagnose bronchiectasis is called a high-resolution CT (HRCT) scan. A HRCT scan involves taking several X-rays of your chest at slightly different angles. A computer is then used to put all the images together.

Does bronchiectasis show up on xray?

A chest X-ray uses electromagnetic radiation to create pictures of structures in the chest, such as your heart and lungs. It can detect lung scarring, a sign of bronchiectasis, and it can help rule out other pulmonary conditions.

What is the difference between bronchitis and bronchiectasis?

Summary. Bronchiectasis is a permanent widening and scarring of the airways of the lungs, often due to repeated or severe infections. Bronchitis is inflammation of the large and small airways of the lungs.

What does bronchiectasis look like on CT scan?

A radiologist will associate bronchiectasis with the typical chest computed tomography (CT) scan features, consisting of an abnormally widened and thickened airway with an irregular wall, lack of tapering and/or visibility of the airway in the periphery of the lung [2].

Are there different stages of bronchiectasis?

Whitwell classified bronchiectasis into three different types: follicular, saccular, and atelectatic.

Which type of bronchiectasis is most severe?

Saccular bronchiectasis is more severe, with further distortion of the airway wall and symptomatically, affected persons produce more sputum. Cystic bronchiectasis is the most severe form of bronchiectasis, and fortunately it is the least common form.

Does a chest xray show bronchiectasis?

What does bronchiectasis look like in the lungs?

Contents. Bronchiectasis is a long-term condition where the airways of the lungs become widened, leading to a build-up of excess mucus that can make the lungs more vulnerable to infection. The most common symptoms of bronchiectasis include: a persistent cough that usually brings up phlegm (sputum)