What is the grading system at UBC?

If the course is not completed within 12 months, the T standing will be replaced by a grade of zero (or F standing in a Pass/Fail course)….Introduction.

Percentage (%) Letter Grade
90-100 A+
85-89 A
80-84 A-
76-79 B+

Is UBC on a 4.0 scale?

However, UBC doesn’t seem to have any conversion table from percentage to the 4.0 scale (the 4.33 one on the arts website isn’t official, it’s just an example they gave).

What letter grade is 70 in BC?

What is a 4.0 GPA in Canada?

Letter Grade Percentage GPA
A 80-89% 8
B+ 75-79% 7
B 70-74% 6
B- 65-69% 5

Is 50 a passing grade UBC?

Some graduate programs may require a higher passing grade for specific courses….Introduction.

Percentage (%) Letter Grade
64-67 C+
60-63 C
55-59 C-
50-54 D

What is a B+ UBC?

Grading practices

Percentage (%) Letter Grade
85 to 89 A
80 to 84 A-
76 to 79 B+
72 to 75 B

What is an A+ in BC?

The 60% passing mark remains. Letter. Percent. A+ 95–100%

What is a 4.33 grading scale?

4.33 GPA Scale

Grade Point Average Percentage Letter Grade
4.33 90-100 A+
4.00 85-89 A
3.67 80-84 A-
3.33 77-79 B+

What is a good GPA in UBC?

Most UBC programs require you to have completed a few specific high school courses. They also require you to achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA). This minimum GPA is typically around 80%. However, we recommend aiming for a GPA in the 90% range to be a competitive candidate.

What grade is 75% in BC?

This is the system of grading used in high schools (Grades 9–12) in BC….British Columbia.

Letter Percent
A 86–100%
B 73–85%
C+ 67–72%
C 60–66%

What grade is 73% in BC?

Grading System in Canada – British Columbia

Grade Scale US Grade
B 72.00 – 75.99 B
B- 68.00 – 71.99 B-
C+ 64.00 – 67.99 C+
C 60.00 – 63.99 C

What is a 70 at UBC?

Talk to your instructors, manage your time well, and improve your study skills….UBC GPA.

Percentage UBC GPA
72 2.95
71 2.90
70 2.80
69 2.70

What is a C+ in BC?

C+ = The student demonstrates good performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade. C = The student demonstrates satisfactory performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.

What is the UBC code?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) was a building code used primarily in the western United States. The UBC was first published in 1927 by the International Conference of Building Officials, which was based in Whittier, California.

What is the average GPA of UBC students?

UBC GPA Percentage UBC GPA 79 3.60 78 3.50 77 3.40 76 3.30

What are the previous versions of UBC?

History. It is primarily used in the United States. Previous versions of the UBC are as follows: 1927 (first version), 1935, 1937, 1940, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997 (last version).

What does UBC stand for in construction?

Uniform Building Code. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) was a building code used primarily in the western United States. History. The UBC was first published in 1927 by the International Conference of Building Officials, which was based in Whittier, California.