What is the function of BC547 transistor?

BC547 is usually used for current amplifier, quick switching and pulse-width modulation (PWM). Therefore, if you need to control the speed of a motor or actuator in some of your projects, you can simply use this transistor to achieve it.

What is the current gain of BC547 transistor?

The maximum current gain of BC547 is 800mA. Collector-Emitter Voltage is 65V. Collector-Base Voltage is 80V.

How many pin does BC547 transistor has?

BC547 Transistor Pinout Configuration

Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 Collector Current flows in through collector
2 Base Controls the biasing of transistor
3 Emitter Current Drains out through emitter

How use BC547 transistor as a switch?

Useful Steps

  1. Place Transistor on a breadboard.
  2. Connect Emitter to the ground of the battery.
  3. Add LED & 330 Ohm Resistor to Collector of BC547.
  4. Connect 1k Resistor and Switch to Base of transistor.
  5. Power up the circuit with 9V Battery.

What is the function of transistor BC548?

BC548 is a general-purpose transistor that falls under the family of NPN transistors. It carries three pins that are mainly used for external connection with the circuit. The small current at one terminal is used to control the large current at other terminals.

Can we use BC547 instead of BC548?

BC547 and BC548 are basically the same, but BC547 has more breakdown voltage, while BC548 features low noise. They are the most general-purpose NPN silicon transistors, and switching one to the other will not significantly affect the circuit.

What is BC in BC548 transistor?

For instance, the BC prefix in the case of the BC548 indicates the semiconductor is made out of silicon and is intended for general, all-around use. By comparison, AC or AF indicates a germanium semiconductor, and BL indicates a silicon transistor intended for high power applications.

What does BC mean in BC547 transistor?

B- stands for Silicon Transistor C for- Audio Frequency Range.