What is the full meaning of eventually?

in the end
Eventually means in the end, especially after a lot of delays, problems, or arguments. Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia. The flight eventually got away six hours late. 2. adverb [ADVERB before verb]

What is the synonym of eventually?

synonyms for eventually finally. in the course of time. one day. someday. sooner or later.

What is the difference between eventually and finally?

When something happens after a lot of delays or problems, you can say that it eventually happens or that it finally happens. You use eventually when you want to emphasize that there were a lot of problems. You use finally when you want to emphasize the amount of time it took.

Where do you put eventually in a sentence?

In the English language, “eventually” means “finally”, “sometime in the future”, “sooner or later.” Examples of “eventually” in sentences: “I’m looking for a new job. It’s tough but I’m sure I’ll find one eventually.”

What does yes eventually mean?

1 adv Eventually means in the end, especially after a lot of delays, problems, or arguments. ADV with cl, ADV before v (=finally)

Does eventually mean it will happen?

eventually’ or ‘finally’ When something happens after a lot of delays or problems, you can say that it eventually happens or that it finally happens You use eventually when you want to emphasize that there were a lot of problems. You use finally when you want to emphasize the amount of time it took.

Will happen eventually synonym?

inevitable Add to list Share. If something is inevitable, it will definitely happen, like death or tax season. Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable.

What is the verb for eventually?

eventuate. (intransitive) To have a given result; to turn out (well, badly etc.); to result in. [from 18th c.] (intransitive) To happen as a result; to come about.

Is eventually the same as ultimately?

Hence “eventually” is normally used when describing something that happens after a delay. If we say something happened “ultimately,” on the other hand, the emphasis is on finality, so this term is best saved for referring to something that happens at the end of a process. For example, the ultimate fate of all sausages.

Is eventually past tense?

You can use eventually in the past: “He took forever to do X, but he eventually got around to it.” I don’t like either of your examples, though. I don’t know what’s wrong with the second; for the third, I don’t think you can ever use eventually with a specific date (past or future).

What is eventually an example of?

Eventually definition Eventually is defined as at an undetermined time in the future. An example of eventually is the adverb phrase “eventually have children,” which means that at some point they’d like to have children. In the end. (mathematics, of a sequence) For some tail.

What type of word is eventually?

EVENTUALLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.