What is the first step in the process of developing a stormwater pollution prevention plan?

The process of developing a site-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan can be divided into the following four steps: step one: creating a pollution prevention team; step two: conducting a site assessment of potential sources of stormwater pollution; step three: selecting the appropriate pollution control …

What triggers a SWPPP?

When is a SWPPP required?: Typically, SWPPPs are only required for construction projects that disturb more than 1 acre of developed or undeveloped land. Additionally, the California Green Building Code (CalGreen) requires SWPPPs for projects that disturb less than 1 acre.

What are the components of SWPPP?

All SWPPPs must include: 1. A site description 2….What Should a SWPPP Include?

  • Site Descriptions.
  • Pollution Prevention Team.
  • Activities That May Cause Pollution.
  • Control Measures, Schedules and Procedures.
  • Spill Response Plans.
  • Inspections and Monitoring.
  • Employee Training.

What is SWPPP BMP?

The SWPPP/WPCP is a document that must assess the site conditions, sources of sediment and other pollutants in Stormwater and non-Stormwater discharges, identify the BMPs that will best suit the construction activities and meet Caltrans and the Clean Water Act pollution control objectives.

What does Swppp mean?

stormwater pollution prevention plan
stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP).

What is the minimum number of steps for implementing a Swppp?

Four general phases can describe the process for SWPPP preparation and implementation, they are (1) planning and organization; (2) facility assessment; (3) BMP identification and selection; and (4) implementation and evaluation.

What is NPDES stand for?

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) – Wastewater | California State Water Resources Control Board.

What is Npdes stand for?

What is a BMP plan?

BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PLAN The purpose of the Best Management Practices (BMP) plan is to evaluate potential sources of sediment and other pollutants at the construction site and put controls in place that will effectively prevent pollutant discharges to surface and ground waters.

What does BMP stand for in stormwater?

Best Management Practices
Today, storm- water management includes controlling flooding, reducing erosion and improving water quality. This can be accomplished by implementing what are known as Best Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs are structural, vegetative or managerial practices used to treat, prevent or reduce water pollution.

How many discharges are regulated by NPDES?

In total, 26 types of effluent are regulated. Complicating matters, the NPDES allows individual states and Native American Tribes to establish additional water quality standards that are included in the VGP.