What is the fastest way to level up a shark?

Evolve Your Sharks To Unlock Higher-Tier Ones Faster On the main screen where you select which shark to equip, check out the yellow bar at the top of the display. Tap on upwards-pointing arrow to access the Upgrades panel.

How do you get good at Hungry Shark?


  1. Go to the Pacific Islands.
  2. Eat as much prey as you can. Best are Tropical Fish, Enemy Sharks, and divers.
  3. Trigger Gold Rush. Once in Gold Rush, target two things, and these things only: Whales and Humans.
  4. Eat only a whale, as the other will get you into another Gold Rush.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4.

How do you get gold rush on Hungry Shark?

Gold rushes activate when a certain number of points is obtained being different for each shark.

  1. The Reef Shark has a gold rush at every 2,500 points.
  2. Mako Shark has a gold rush at every 5,000 points.
  3. Hammerhead Shark has a gold rush at every 10,000 points.
  4. Tiger Shark has a gold rush at every 16,000 points.

How do I become a adult Maneater?

The first is the Pup, which is what you’ll start the game as. You’ll move to the Teen evolution pretty quickly as you progress through the initial missions. However, becoming an Adult takes longer….Maneater Levels and Evolutions.

Level Requirement Evolution Growth
Level 30 Eder to Mega

Where can I find a Kempy Bass?

Kempy Bass are located in the Kempy Cave, deep down on the far right side of the map. They spawn in a room with a shell (only for the Megalodon) and a sunken item (Framed Picture of an Egg).

What is the best shark in hungry shark world?

The strongest one here, aside from the three powerful (and very expensive) endgame sharks, is the Robo Shark. Featuring a whopping 414 HP and 298/451/312 points in his Speed/Bite/Boost stats, he’s definitely the best shark that can be unlocked as a f2p player.

How much does the Megalodon cost in Hungry shark World 2018?

Cost. The Megalodon can be bought for 50,000 coins or 900 gems.