What is the fastest round baler?
What is the fastest round baler?
Last year John Deere announced that one of its new 900-series round balers – the 960 – had romped through a field of straw at a rate of 127 bales/hour, setting, in the process, a new world record. Not to be outdone, Krone recently proclaimed it had managed an even faster baling rate with its Comprima F125 XC.
How fast should you round bale hay?
about 4 to 6 mph
If windrows are uniform, full-width and good-sized, you should be able to travel at about 4 to 6 mph (6 to 9 km/h). Choose a pick-up speed that minimizes the agitation of the hay to reduce leaf loss. If the windrows are small and light, reduce the rpm’s to prevent an overly dense bale, but keep the ground speed up.
How fast should you bale hay?
The harder you cram hay in a baler either by a heavy windrow or speed, the denser the bale. Subject: RE: Round baling MPH? On alfalfa usually 8+ mph, 2-16 ft windrows raked together this is on irrigated hay. On grass hay due to field conditions usually 6-7 mph.
How much HP does it take to run a round baler?
If you are buying a baler first, keep horsepower requirements in mind when pairing with a tractor. PTO horsepower requirements for round balers start at 30 hp and can run up to 120 hp. There are a couple of different options when it comes to bale size in balers.
How long do round baler belts last?
Many will need replacing after a decade or so. But some farmers are still baling with 20-year-old belts.
Do Welger still make balers?
Well proven design, solid construction and high quality manufacturing result in unrivalled machines for reliability and value. With the conventional square balers Welger present a baler range that meets all the requirements of modern farming.
How many bales is a round baler good for?
A lot depends on how well it was maintained and how you will use it. The local NH dealer told me the New Holland’s have a design life of 25,000 bales. You can make any of this equipment go longer IF you put the repairs ad maintenance dollars into them.
How many acres can you bale an hour?
Figure 20 acres/hr per double rake. A big baler (4×4 or 3×4 will average around 35 ton’s/hr and require close to a 200 hp tractor. Will you be baling with dew or dry? Makes a big difference in how many balers you need.