What is the example of suspension?
What is the example of suspension?
Ans: Common examples of suspension include the mixture of chalk and water, muddy water, the mixture of flour and water, a mixture of dust particles and air, fog, milk of magnesia, etc. Q2. Give the definition of suspension. Ans: A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
What is called suspension?
A suspension is defined as a heterogeneous mixture in which the solid particles are spread throughout the liquid without dissolving in it. A suspension is defined as a homogenous mixture of particles with a diameter greater than 1000 nm such that the particles are visible to naked eyes.
What’s a suspension mixture?
A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture of a finely distributed solid in a liquid. The solid is not dissolved in the liquid, as is the case with a mixture of salt and water.
What is a suspension mixture?
What is suspension answer?
A suspension is defined as a heterogeneous mixture in which the solid particles are spread throughout the liquid without dissolving in it.
What is a simple definition of suspension?
Definition of suspension 1 : the act of suspending : the state or period of being suspended: such as. a : temporary removal (as from office or privileges) b : temporary withholding (as of belief or decision) c : temporary abrogation of a law or rule.
What is suspension in Brainly?
Brainly User. Brainly User. A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solids are dispersed in liquids. The solute particles in suspension do not dissolve but remain suspended throughout the medium. For example Paints, Muddy water chalk water mixtures etc.
What type of mixture is suspension?
Suspensions (heterogeneous) A suspension is a mixture between a liquid and particles of a solid. In this case the particles do not dissolve. The particles and the liquid are mixed up so that the particles are dispersed throughout the liquid. They are “suspended” in the liquid.