What is the example of bottom line?

Examples of bottom-line in a Sentence Noun If our flight is late, we will miss our connection. That’s the bottom line. A student with special needs can stress a school’s budget, but the bottom line is that the state must provide for the child’s education.

What is the idiom of the bottom line?

The bottom line describes the ultimate outcome of a situation or the most important or fundamental facet of that situation. When someone asks for the bottom line, he wants to cut out all superfluous details and focus on the primary problem or objective.

How do I use bottom line in a sentence?

the decisive point.

  1. The bottom line is the bottom line.
  2. The bottom line is that recycling isn’t profitable.
  3. The bottom line is that it’s not profitable.
  4. Bill signed on the bottom line with a flourish.
  5. Two thousand-and that’s my bottom line!
  6. She says £95,000 is her bottom line.

What does it mean to be a bottom line person?

1. The bottom line is defined as the final result, outcome or decision, or the most important point. The last line on a balance sheet showing profit and loss is an example of the bottom line. The final rule you come up with after summarizing all the reasons for it is an example of the bottom line.

What is another word for bottom line?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for bottom line, like: final decision, the-bottom-line, RightNow, main idea, conclusion, point, net income, crux, core, fundamentals and end.

What is a good bottom line?

A company that is growing its earnings or reducing its costs is said to be improving its bottom line. Most companies aim to improve their bottom lines through two simultaneous methods: increasing revenues (i.e., generate top-line growth) and improving efficiency (or cutting costs).

What is the opposite of bottom line?

additional. extra. inessential.

What is another way to say bottom line?

What’s another phrase for bottom line?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for bottom line, like: final decision, the-bottom-line, RightNow, main idea, conclusion, point, net income, crux, fundamentals, basis and core.

What is bottom line in business?

More specifically, the bottom line is a company’s income after all expenses have been deducted from revenues. These expenses include interest charges paid on loans, general and administrative costs, and income taxes. A company’s bottom line can also be referred to as net earnings or net profits.

What does affect your bottom line mean?

The term “bottom line” is commonly used in reference to any actions that may increase or decrease net earnings or a company’s overall profit. A company that is growing its earnings or reducing its costs is said to be improving its bottom line.

What does the idiomatic expression “bottom line” mean?

The idiomatic expression “bottom line” refers to a usually brief and concise concept, idea, thought, or conclusion that is given a greater deal of importance over other related subject matter that is often considered extraneous or even unnecessary.

What does the bottom line mean anyway?

bottom line. The ultimate result, the upshot; also, the main point or crucial factor. For example, The bottom line is that the chairman wants to dictate all of the board’s decisions, or Whether or not he obeyed the law is the bottom line. This is an accounting term that refers to the earnings figures that appear on the bottom (last) line of a statement.

What is the meaning of bottom line?

bottom line n. 1. The line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss. 2. Financial matters, especially profit or loss. 3. The final result or statement; upshot: “The bottom line, however, is that he has escaped”(David Wise). 4.

Is the phrase ‘on the bottom floor’ an idiom?

An idiom is a phrase, saying, or a group of words with a metaphorical (not literal) meaning, which has become accepted in common usage. An idiom’s symbolic sense is quite different from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. There are a large number of Idioms, and they are used very commonly in all languages.