What is the effectiveness of a heat exchanger?
What is the effectiveness of a heat exchanger?
The effectiveness (ϵ) of a heat exchanger is defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer to the maximum possible heat transfer. Qmax is the minimum of these two values i. e. aRajput, R.K., 2007,Engineering Thermodynamics, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
How do you evaluate a heat exchanger performance?
The simplest indicator of the performance of a heat exchanger is the temperature change of the fluid under consideration. From our high school lessons on thermodynamics, we can recall that the rate of heat transfer is the product of the rate of heat capacity and the temperature change.
Which heat exchanger has more effectiveness?
Counter flow heat exchangers
Counter flow heat exchangers are inherently more efficient than parallel flow heat exchangers because they create a more uniform temperature difference between the fluids, over the entire length of the fluid path.
On which parameters the effectiveness of heat exchanger depends and how?
Effectiveness of the heat exchanger depends on the thermal conductivity and convective heat transfer coefficient of the fluid. The convective heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids depends on the thermal conductivity, density, specific heat, and viscosity of the nanofluids [5].
What affects the performance of a heat exchanger?
Heat transfer performance of heat pipe heat exchanger affected by many factors, such as the opening temperature of the heat pipe, the rate of fluid-filled, the physical nature of liquid refrigerant, the work temperature of tube, angle, tube spacing, tube length, hot and cold fluid flow and wind speed.
What is effectiveness of fin?
The effectiveness of the fin is the dimensionless parameter which can be measured the ratio of the heat transfer from the fin to the heat transfer occupied by the fin without fin attached.
Why effectiveness of heat exchanger is important?
Calculating heat exchanger effectiveness allows engineers to predict how a given heat exchanger will perform a new job. Essentially, it helps engineers predict the stream outlet temperatures without a trial-and-error solution that would otherwise be necessary.
What is significance of NTU in heat exchanger?
The Number of Transfer Units (NTU) Method is used to calculate the rate of heat transfer in heat exchangers (especially counter current exchangers) when there is insufficient information to calculate the Log-Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD).
How can the effectiveness of the heat exchange process be improved?
Here are 5 proven industry practices to boost heat exchanger performance and maintain process efficiency:
- Online and Offline Cleaning.
- Maintaining Heat Exchanger.
- Periodic Cleaning.
- Cleaning the PHE Manually.
- Minimizing the Fouling Factor.
- Analyzing and Addressing Issues in Heat Exchanger Efficiency.