What is the effect of oil spill in the Philippines?

The Department of Tourism has projected US$71,400 worth of lost tourism revenue. To date, the oil spill has contaminated 245 kilometres of coastline and spoiled 1,143 hectares of marine reserve. More than 6,000 families located in six municipalities in Guimaras and Iloilo have been affected by the oil spill.

What is the biggest oil spill in the Philippines?

On August 11, 2006, the oil tanker M/T Solar 1, hired by Petron Corporation, sank off the coast of Guimaras, an island province in the Philippines, spilling more than 2.1 million liters (about 555,000 gallons) of bunker fuel. It is still known as the worst oil spill in the Philippines’ history.

What is oil spill and its effects?

Oil spills frequently kill marine mammals such as whales, dolphins, seals, and sea otters. 10 Oil can clog blowholes of whales and dolphins, making it impossible for them to breathe properly and disrupting their ability to communicate. Oil coats fur of otters and seals, leaving them vulnerable to hypothermia.

What is oil spill in simple words?

An oil spill is oil, discharged accidentally or intentionally, that floats on the surface of water bodies as a discrete mass and is carried by the wind, currents and tides. Oil spills can be partially controlled by chemical dispersion, combustion, mechanical containment and adsorption.

How can we prevent oil spills?

Small Spills Prevention Checklist

  1. Tighten bolts on your engine to prevent oil leaks.
  2. Replace cracked or worn hydraulic lines and fittings before they fail.
  3. Outfit your engine with an oil tray or drip pan.
  4. Create your own bilge sock out of oil absorbent pads to prevent oily water discharge.

How would an oil spill affect humans?

Studies of biomarkers have uncovered irreparable harm to humans exposed to oil and gas from spills. These effects can be grouped into respiratory damage, liver damage, decreased immunity, increased cancer risk, reproductive damage and higher levels of some toxics (hydrocarbons and heavy metals).

Why is oil spill a problem?

But when oil accidentally spills into the ocean, it can cause big problems. Oil spills can harm sea creatures, ruin a day at the beach, and make seafood unsafe to eat. It takes sound science to clean up the oil, measure the impacts of pollution, and help the ocean recover.

How do oil spills affect the land?

Farms and Grasslands. As spilled oil on land prevents water absorption by the soil, spills on agricultural locations or grasslands have the effect of choking off plant life.

How does oil spill affect the environment?

Oil spill effects on environments and habitats can be catastrophic: they can kill plants and animals, disturb salinity/pH levels, pollute air/water and more.

What causes oil spills?

Oil spills that happen in rivers, bays and the ocean most often are caused by accidents involving tankers, barges, pipelines, refineries, drilling rigs and storage facilities, but also occur from recreational boats and in marinas. Spills can be caused by: people making mistakes or being careless. equipment breaking …