What is the distribution of Aloe vera?
What is the distribution of Aloe vera?
Aloe species are mostly inhabitants of arid climates, and are widely distributed in Africa, India, and other arid areas. The largest number of Aloe species is approximately 140, and most are found in South Africa [1]. However, they could also be grown in subtropical summer rainfall and winter rainfall regions [16].
Where does aloe grow wild?
An evergreen perennial, it originates from the Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world.
Where is velvet grass found?
Populations are scattered in southern Quebec and Ontario [134] but common along the Atlantic Coast from North Carolina to Nova Scotia [37]. In Hawaii, common velvetgrass is widely distributed in all but the driest habitats [127] and is often found in pastures, wet disturbed areas, and on roadsides [153].
Is aloe indigenous to South Africa?
Aloe africana (known as the Uitenhage Aloe) is an arborescent species of aloe plant, indigenous to the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Where is aloe located?
It belongs to Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae) family, and is a shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green color plant. It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. In India, it is found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Where is aloe vera in India?
Among these single species, Aloe vera (Linnaeus) Burman f. (1768:83) is present in India and distributed in the extreme dry parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat state. In other states of India, it is grown as a medicinal plant.
What state or country grows the most aloe plants?
Region-wise, Thailand was the biggest producer of Aloe Vera accounting for around a third of the total global production. Other leading producers include Mexico, Dominican Republic, United States and Costa Rica.
Which part of Aloe vera is toxic?
The latex is a thin layer of yellow liquid between the skin and the gel of the leaf. It contains compounds with powerful laxative properties, such as aloin ( 2 ). Eating too much latex can have serious and potentially fatal side effects ( 3 ).
Can you eat velvet grass?
With A. guineense the flowers are consumed raw and leaves are eaten like Marsh Mallow. The seeds are also cooked and eaten but it they are more valued for their expressed oil.
Is Velvet grass toxic?
The common name “Velvet Grass” refers to the velvety texture of the leaves and inflorescence. Velvet Grass is a weed of sterile or sandy, moist, open ground of fields, meadows, and waste places. Velvet Grass may be poisonous to livestock when not fully dry.
Where does aloe vera grow in South Africa?
Major production areas in South Africa Aloe ferox or Cape aloe is found growing in abundance in the Albertinia area of the Southern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, particularly between the midlands and the coast in the Umkomaas and Umlaas river catchment areas.
What did the Khoisan use the aloe for?
In South Africa indigenous peoples from the Khoi and San to various Nguni cultures have used the healing and regenerative powers of aloes for centuries. Among the amaXhosa, aloe sap is used to heal wounds and is a known cure for ringworm, tapeworm, boils and ulcers.