What is the distinguishing feature of class Mastigophora and Sarcodina?

Unlike the subphylum Sarcodina, which use pseudopods for feeding and locomotion, members of the subphylum Mastigophora (particularly the trophozoite forms) are characterized by the presence of flagella (and are therefore also referred to as flagellates).

What is the class of Sarcomastigophora?

The phylum Sarcomastigophora belongs to the Protista or protoctista kingdom and it includes many unicellular or colonial, autotrophic, or heterotrophic organisms. It is characterized by flagellae, pseudopodia, or both.

Is Mastigophora a subphylum?

Mastigophora (phylum Protozoa, subphylum Sarcomastigophora) A superclass of protozoa, which employ one or more flagella for locomotion. There are two classes, and 19 orders. The superclass includes a wide variety of organisms, many of which are classified alternatively with the algae.

What are the characteristics of class Sarcodina?

sarcodine, any protozoan of the superclass (sometimes class or subphylum) Sarcodina. These organisms have streaming cytoplasm and use temporary cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia in locomotion (called amoeboid movement) and feeding.

What is an example of Sarcodina?

Sarcodina/Lower classifications

What kingdom is Sarcodina?

ProtozoaSarcodina / Kingdom

Is Trypanosoma a Sarcomastigophora?

Trypanosoma is part of the phylum Sarcomastigophora. The name is derived from the Greek trypano- (borer) and soma (body) because of their corkscrew-like motion. Most trypanosomes are heteroxenous (requiring more than one obligatory host to complete life cycle) and most are transmitted via a vector.

Is Trypanosoma a Mastigophora?

Trypanosomes are a group of kinetoplastid protozoa distinguished by having only a single flagellum. All members are exclusively parasitic, found primarily in insects….Trypanosome.

Domain: Eukaryota
Subphylum: Mastigophora
Class: Kinetoplastea
Order: Trypanosomatida