What is the difference between viewer-centered and object-centered perception?

The perception of forms can be considered from two fundamental perspectives: viewer-centered representation considers the appearance of an object relative to the viewer, and object-centered representation considers the appearance of the object itself, regardless of the distance and angle from which it is viewed.

What is object-centered?

In an object-centered representation, the position of the subparts of an object are encoded with respect to a set of axes and an origin centered on the object. Several physiological and neuropsychological results support the existence of such representations in humans and monkeys.

What is an object-centered analysis?

The so-called object-centered theory suggests that recognizing objects is based on constructing a structural description of simple parts (e.g., geons), which does not require explicit representations of objects from specific views (Biederman, 1987).

What is distal and proximal stimulus in psychology?

distal stimuli are objects and events out in the world about you. proximal stimuli are the patterns of stimuli from these objects and events that actually reach your senses (eyes, ears, etc.)

What is top down processing?

What Is Top-Down Processing? In top-down processing, perceptions begin with the most general and move toward the more specific. These perceptions are heavily influenced by our expectations and prior knowledge. 1 Put simply, your brain applies what it knows to fill in the blanks and anticipate what’s next.

What is valence centered approach?

Theorists taking a valence-based approach to studying affect, judgment, and choice posit that emotions with the same valence (e.g., anger and fear or pride and surprise) produce a similar influence on judgments and choices. Suffering is negative valence and the opposite of this is pleasure or happiness.

How do distal and proximal stimulus differ?

What is an example of a proximal stimulus?

For example, when a person “sees” a dog, it is because the dog (the distal stimulus) created a retinal image (the proximal stimulus) that was interpreted as a dog by the person’s visual system. The word proximal means “near”.

What does valence mean in research?

Valence, or hedonic tone, is the affective quality referring to the intrinsic attractiveness/”good”-ness (positive valence) or averseness/”bad”-ness (negative valence) of an event, object, or situation. The term also characterizes and categorizes specific emotions.