What is the difference between the URL based and the HTML based recording modes?

HTML based mode, records script for every user action that is performed during recording while URL based mode records each and every browser request to the server and resources received from the server.

How do you record a script in LoadRunner?

Steps to record LoadRunner script:

  1. Open VuGen on your machine.
  2. Go to the menu bar and click ‘File’ and select ‘New Script and Solution’
  3. A dialogue box named ‘Create a New Script’ will open.
  4. Select ‘Single Protocol’ or ‘Multiple Protocols’ from the Category list shown in the left (Figure 03).

What are the Recording option in LoadRunner?

Recording: In web protocol, you will have HTML recording and URL recording. In HTML recording, it generates a new step for each action you perform in your application. You will also have HTML advanced options to define different options explicitly on how to record and generate the script.

What is the difference between HTML and URL based script in LoadRunner VuGen?

An HTML based recording is generally recommended for browser-based applications. (ii) URL based: URL based recording is also called as context-insensitive or contextless recording. In this mode of recording, each request to the server (initiated by a user action) is recorded as a separate request with the url.

What is Web_submit_form and Web_submit_data in LoadRunner?

web_submit_form is recorded only when VuGen is in HTML-based recording mode. (see VuGen’s Recording Options). WEB_SUBMIT_DATA(): The web_submit_data function is a action function that performs an. “unconditional” or “contextless” form submission.

What is web_submit_form and Web_submit_data in LoadRunner?

What is Lr_eval_string in LoadRunner?

lr_eval_string() is an important function in LoadRunner which helps to convert LoadRunner variable into language-specific variable. Whenever you want to use the value of LoadRunner variable in a language-specific function then you need to first evaluate the parameter.

What is Web_url in loadrunner?

1) web_url(): This function loads the Web page specified by the URL argument. 2) web_submit_form(): This function submits a form. And this function is recorded only in the HTML mode and submits a context-sensitive request (we already talked about context sensitive and contextless requests).

How to record LoadRunner script in vugen?

Steps to record LoadRunner script: 1 Press ‘Ctrl+R’ OR. 2 In the main menu of VuGen, Go to Record -> Record OR. 3 In the quick taskbar, you can see a red button when you hover the cursor then it displays the message ‘Record (Ctrl+R)’.

What is vugen in HP LoadRunner?

In VUGen, a human is replaced by a virtual user (VUser) and the actions performed by a VUser are recorded in VUser script to emulate the real-user behavior for testing and monitoring. VUGen is one of the four core components of LoadRunner. It is the first component you interact with when getting started with Performance Testing using HP LoadRunner.

How do I run a web-based application in vugen?

Select the Web Browser since we are using a web-based application. Specify the URL of the application that will subsequently be invoked. Working directory can be left as such since this is merely a temporary directory for VUGen to use. Ensure you’ve read and write access on this directory.

How to record the script for performance testing using LoadRunner?

The recorded script can be found under the ‘Actions’ tab of ‘Solution Explorer’. Click the respective action to refer the portion of the script. This post showed you how quickly and in the easiest way you can record the script for Performance Testing using LoadRunner.