What is the difference between Participe present and gérondif?

French Present Participle / Gerund. A present participle is a conjugated form of the verb, ending in -ant. 1 – The present participle can be used with the preposition en to emphasise the simultaneity of two actions (i.e. while / as listening). This is what we call a gerund or un gérondif.

What does Participe present mean?

The participe présent (present participle) is a form of verb similar to the English ‘-ing’ form. It is invariable and always ends with -ant.

What is gérondif in English?

The gérondif (the gerund) is formed with en + the present participle. It is used is to stress that two actions are simultaneous. It has the same subject as the main verb.

How do you form Participe present in French?

Quick Recap

  1. The French participe présent is formed by dropping the ending –ons in the nous/present tense form and adding its ending –ant.
  2. The participe présent is not as common as its English counterpart, but it is rather flexible, and can be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, a gerund…

What is the difference between gerund and present participle?

As we teach in our English classes, both a gerund and a present participle come from a verb, and both end in –ing. However, each has a different function. A gerund acts like a noun while a present participle acts like a verb or adjective.

How do you form Le gérondif?

It is formed by taking the nous form in the present tense, removing -ons and adding -ant. For example, parlant means “speaking”. The French gerund (le gérundif) is formed by preceding the present participle with “en” to mean “while verb+ing” in English.

What are the examples of present and past tense?

Examples of Past, Present, & Future Tense Verbs

Past Tense – it already happened Yesterday, I played outside. More Here on Past Tense Words
Present Tense – it is happening right now I play outside. More Here on Present Tense Words

How do you write gérondif?

En + “-ant” = While/by + “-ing” in French (Gerund/Le Gérondif)

What is gerund and participle with examples?

If you find a form of “be” followed by the -ing form, that’s the present participle. For example: They’ve have been working for four hours. If the -ing form begins the sentence, or follows a verb or preposition, that’s the gerund. For example: Playing soccer is a lot of fun!

What is the difference between gerund and participle with examples?

A gerund is a verb that acts like a noun. For example: Hiking is a verb, but when used as the subject of a sentence, it acts like a noun, e.g. “Hiking is something I do in the summer.” A participle is an adjective made from a verb.

What is Adjectif verbal in French?

L’adjectif verbal (the verbal adjective) is an adjective which is formed from a verb. It is formed like the present participle (ending in -ant). Plier pliant. voler volant.