What is the difference between On3 and On30?

On3 track gauge is three quarters of an inch (because American O scale is a quarter inch to the foot.) On30 is the same scale but runs on HO gauge track which is approximately 5/8 of an inch so the On3 is about 1/8th inch wider.

What size track is On30?

On30 uses the American O scale of 1⁄4 inch to the foot, (ratio 1:48) to operate trains on HO gauge (16.5 mm / 0.65 in) track.

What is On30 track?

On30, sometimes also named On2½, is a narrow gauge railway for O-Scale. The Scale is 1/48 (1/4” to 1′). The On30 gauge is . 649” (16,5 mm), same as HO.

Is On30 the same as O gauge?

On30 is 1:48 scale, the same as O scale. It’s a subset of O scale. HO scale is 1:87 scale, about half the size. It turns out that HO scale track is about 30 inches wide in O scale, making it convenient for modeling narrow gauge trains.

What track does on3 use?

What is On30? Simply put, “On30″ refers to O scale models that operate on HO gauge track. The gauge of HO track (16.5mm) scales out to two foot, six inches, or 30″ in O scale.

Can OO gauge run on HO track?

So can OO trains run on HO track? Yes. Recapping on the explanation above, OO and HO gauge railways both have a track width of 16.5mm so the OO train will run on HO track.

Which is bigger HO or O scale?

O scale is obviously a much larger commitment—HO scale is half the size, and is one of the most popular scales due to its relatively easy entry point. Smaller scales, therefore, can be ideal for beginners, but larger scales allow you to create much more detail and realism in your layouts.

How wide is O scale train?

O scale
Scale 7 mm to 1 ft; 6.35 mm (0.25 inches) to 1 ft
Scale ratio various: 1:48 to 1:43.5
Model gauge 30 mm (1.181 in) – 33 mm (1.3 in)
Prototype gauge 1,435 mm (4 ft 81⁄2 in) standard gauge

What is the difference between On30 scale and HO scale?

What scale is Lego trains?

The train system is sometimes referred to as ‘L-gauge’ among Lego fans, in reference to traditional model railway scales. Lego trains use a nominal gauge of 37.5mm, 5.5mm wider than O gauge, derived from a centreline gauge of 40mm (five lego studs).