What is the difference between Oakley Radar and RadarLock?

The Oakley Radar and RadarLock are extremely similar; the main difference between the two is the RadarLock is a little easier to interchange lenses with Oakley’s SwitchLock technology.

Can you replace the O on Oakley sunglasses?

On many Oakleys, the elliptical or square “O” can be popped out and replaced with a new color. Some models, such as the Batwolf and Dispatch II, were specifically designed for interchangeable icons. On other models, such as the Flak Jacket, the icons weren’t technically intended to be swapped out.

How do you take radar EV lenses out?

RADAR LENS REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS With two fingers carefully pinch the two nose bridge tabs inward. Then push the nose bridge towards top of sunglasses until lens releases from top. Then pull lens down and out.

Will RadarLock lenses fit radar?

The lenses for Radar EV are a definite no across the board – those lenses won’t fit in Radars or Radarlocks (or their XL counterparts), and the lenses for Radar and Radarlock won’t fit in the Radar EVs. If you compare the notches on the lenses of the Radars and the Radarlocks, you’ll notice a difference.

How do I know which Oakley Radar I have?

It’s easy to tell which model of Oakley sunglasses you have! Oakley uses both names and numbers to distinguish their different models. The names are more well-known to the general public and are often located on the inside arm of the sunglasses. The other information can be slightly hidden further down the temple arm.

Can you buff out scratches on Oakley sunglasses?

Dab a tiny bit of brass or silver polish on the lenses with a cotton ball or cotton swab and gently rub it over the scratch. If there is any excess polish, remove it with a clean, lint-free cloth. Repeat the process until the scratch has minimized.

Can you change icons on Oakley Fuel Cell?

In case you were curious, you can’t swap out the arms between the Gascans and the Fuel Cells. Although the height of each arm matches up, the hinges are further apart on the Fuel Cells. The icons also are not interchangeable as the icons on the Fuel Cell are (surprise) larger than the Gascans.

How do you get scratches out of Oakley sunglasses?

“What you do is apply a small amount of baking soda-based toothpaste to a cotton ball and rub it into the scratch. Move the cotton ball around in a circular motion for a few seconds and rinse the toothpaste off with cool water. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any moisture or toothpaste.