What is the difference between loose associations and tangentiality?

Tangentiality: Replies to questions are off-point or totally irrelevant. Derailment (loosening of associations): spontaneous speech with marked impairments in topic maintenance. Incoherence (word salad, schizaphasia): severe lack of speech cohesion at the basic level of syntax and/or semantics within sentences.

What is tangential thought process?

[1] Tangentiality refers to a disturbance in the thought process that causes the individual to relate excessive or irrelevant detail that never reaches the essential point of a conversation or the desired answer to a question.

What is tangential association?

Definitions. Loose Associations (Tangential Speech) Speech moves quickly through multiple topics (seemingly unrelated, although connected in the patient’s view)

What is tangential in mental status exam?

tangential – occasional lapses in organization such that the patient suddenly changes the subject. and never returns to it; if a question is asked, it isn’t answered. loosening of associations – frequent lapses in connection between thoughts.

What does it mean if someone is tangential?

Definition of tangential 1a : touching lightly : incidental, peripheral tangential involvement also : of little relevance arguments tangential to the main point. b : divergent, digressive. 2 : of, relating to, or of the nature of a tangent. 3 : acting along or lying in a tangent tangential forces.

What is tangential language?

verbal communication that repeatedly diverges from the original subject. Resulting from disorganized thought processes or a diminished ability to focus attention, these digressions may continue until the original subject is no longer the focus of the conversation.

What is the difference between tangential and circumstantial?

Circumstantial speech is more direct than tangential speech in which the speaker wanders and drifts and usually never returns to the original topic, and is far less severe than logorrhea.

What does tangential mean in medical terms?

(tan-jen’shē-al’i-tē) A disturbance in the associative thought process in which one tends to digress readily from one topic under discussion to other topics that arise in the course of associations; observed in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and certain types of organic brain disorders.