What is the difference between flouting and flaunting?
What is the difference between flouting and flaunting?
If you treat a convention with disdain you are flouting it. If you make an ostentatious display of something then you are flaunting it.
What is the difference between float and flaunt?
flaunt/ flout Flaunt is to show off, but flout is to ignore the rules. Rebels do both — they flaunt their new pink motorcycles by popping a wheelie, and flout the law by running a red light.
What does it mean to flaunt a girl?
Word forms: flaunts, flaunting, flaunted. transitive verb. If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people’s admiration. [disapproval]
What does flouting mean?
with contemptuous disregard
Definition of flout (Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. : to treat with contemptuous disregard : scorn flouting the rules. intransitive verb. : to indulge in scornful behavior Ah, you may flout and turn up your faces— Robert Browning.
Is Flaut a word?
No, flaut is not in the scrabble dictionary.
What is a hatful?
Definition of hatful 1 : as much or as many as a hat will hold gathered a hatful of eggs. 2 : a considerable amount or number : peck these dives can cost you a hatful of money— T. H. Fielding turned down a hatful of princes— Helen B.
What is considered flaunting?
1 : to display or obtrude oneself to public notice a great flaunting crowd— Charles Dickens. 2 : to wave or flutter showily the flag flaunts in the breeze. transitive verb. 1 : to display ostentatiously or impudently : parade flaunting his superiority a chance to flaunt clothes, bodies, and sexuality — New Yorker.
Is flaunt a negative word?
To flaunt is to show off: you flaunt your new necklace by wearing it to work. “Flout” has a more negative connotation; it means to treat with contempt some rule or standard. The cliché is “to flout convention.” Flaunting may be in bad taste because it’s ostentatious, but it is not a violation of standards.
What is an example for flout?
Flout is defined as to openly show hatred or disregard toward someone or something. An example of flout is someone spitting in another’s face and walking away. An example of flout is to refuse to abide by a specific law because you don’t agree with the law.
Is there a word Flaut?