What is the difference between flak jacket and flak jacket XLJ?

Whats the Difference? The only difference is the lens shape. The XLJ lenses are curved on the bottom to fit around your cheekbone while providing you with extra coverage. The standard Flak Jacket lenses are straight on the bottom and may work better if you have high cheek bones.

What’s the difference between Oakley Flak 2.0 and XL?

The only difference between the Flak 2.0 and the Flak 2.0 XL is the lens shape. You might think, because of the XL in the name, that the Flak 2.0 XL is a larger frame size, but it’s not. The “XL” in “Flak 2.0 XL” refers to its extended lenses.

How do I know which Oakley Flak I have?

It’s easy to tell which model of Oakley sunglasses you have! Oakley uses both names and numbers to distinguish their different models. The names are more well-known to the general public and are often located on the inside arm of the sunglasses. The other information can be slightly hidden further down the temple arm.

What does XL stand for in Oakley sunglasses?

a larger size
What Does XL mean in Oakley Sunglasses? XL designates a frame in a larger size. It is common for Oakley to introduce a model and then create a larger XL version of the same frame.

What is the difference between Prizm and polarized lenses?

Some Oakley Prizm lenses, like Prizm Field Lenses, are polarized, meaning they include a filter to block glare from reflected light. Prizm lenses don’t mean polarized—it’s an entirely different lens technology. Whereas polarized lenses block glare from reflected light, Prizm lenses amplify what you’re seeing.

Do XLJ lenses fit Flak Jacket?

For example, if you purchased Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ sunglasses, what you have are Flak Jacket frames with XLJ lenses installed. If the box only says “Flak Jacket,” then your sunglasses came installed with standard lenses. The standard and XLJ lenses are interchangeable within a frame style.