What is the difference between CPT 43644 and 43645?

43644 – Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; with gastric bypass and Roux-en-Y gastroenterostomy (roux limb 150 cm or less). 43645 – Laparoscopy with gastric bypass and small intestine reconstruction to limit absorption.

What is CPT code S2083?

Gastric Surgery for Obesity

HCPCS codes Description
S2083 Adjustment of gastric band diameter via subcutaneous port by injection or aspiration of saline
90772 Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular

What is a Lap Band port?

The Lap Band is placed around the upper part of the stomach and set into position with sutures. A small device called a port (or reservoir) is placed under the skin of the abdomen. It is connected by tubing to the Lap Band and allows the surgeon to periodically adjust the tightness of the band.

What is the CPT code for Lap Band?

43775 is a laparoscopic code. The code 43843 (Gastric restrictive procedure, without gastric bypass, for morbid obesity; other than vertical banded gastroplasty) can be used for this open cases.

What is procedure code 43644?

43644- Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; with gastric bypass and Roux-en-Y gastroenterostomy (roux limb 150 cm or less).

What is CPT code 43659?

Gastric Surgery for Obesity

CPT Code Description
43848 Revision of gastric restrictive procedure for morbid obesity (separate procedure)
43659 Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, stomach
44238 Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, intestine

What is CPT code 43644?

Where is the port placed for lap band surgery?

The surgeon will put an adjustable gastric band around your upper stomach and then tighten it to make a small stomach pouch. The surgeon will put a small port under the skin of your abdomen. A tube is connected between the port and the band.

Can you see the lap band port?

Most surgeons place the port in the abdomen we choose to place our ports up here in the shoulder. We use a very small low profile port, it’s very cosmetic, the incision is made under the arm you can’t really see that. It is much more convenient to get the fills.

What is procedure code 43633?

CPT® 43633, Under Excision Procedures on the Stomach The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 43633 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Excision Procedures on the Stomach.