What is the difference between Chondroma and chondrosarcoma?

Thus, chondroma is a benign bone tumor, but chondrosarcoma is a sarcoma, or malignant tumor of connective tissue. It is important to understand the difference between a benign and malignant cartilage tumor, because accurate preoperative diagnosis is important in ensuring appropriate treatment of the patient.

Is chordoma a sarcoma?

Chordoma can happen anywhere along the spine. It is most often found near the tailbone (called a sacral tumor) or where the spine meets the skull (called a clival tumor). Chordoma is also called notochordal sarcoma.

Is chondrosarcoma benign or malignant?

Chondrosarcoma is a malignant type of bone cancer that primarily affects the cartilage cells of the femur (thighbone), arm, pelvis, knee, and spine. Although less frequent, other areas (such as the ribs) may be affected. Chondrosarcoma is the second most common type of primary bone cancer.

What is the life expectancy of a chordoma?

Chordomas are malignant and potentially life threatening tumors. Currently the median survival in the United States is about 7 years. The overall survival rates are 68% at 5 years and 40% at 10 years. Complete surgical resection offers the best chance for long-term survival.

What is difference between Chondroma and Enchondroma?

Chondromas are very rare, benign tumors made of cartilage. They usually grow slowly and develop in the sinuses and the bones of the skull. They can also show up in the small bones of the hands, feet, upper arms, thighs and ribs. If they form in the marrow cavity of bones, they are called enchondromas.

What is a low grade chondrosarcoma?

Low-grade chondrosarcomas (LGCS) are tumours that grow slowly over time and do not generally metastasize and people do not usually die from this disease. In the late 20th century, the condition was treated by cutting out large portions of bone surrounding the tumour (wide resection).

Is chordoma benign or malignant?

Chordomas form from remnants of the notochord β€” embryonic tissue that eventually forms the center of spinal disks. These tumors are considered malignant and may metastasize, though they typically grow slowly.

Can MRI detect chordoma?

Chordoma is best seen on an MRI with a setting called T2 weighted imaging. Another imaging test called computed tomography. They are also referred to as CT scans or β€œCAT” scans., also called CT or CAT scan, is recommended in addition to MRI if it is not certain whether the tumor is chordoma.

Can chondrosarcoma be misdiagnosed?

Chondrosarcoma does not always present with a classical clinical picture or imaging, and it can be misdiagnosed. Practitioners should be highly suspicious of malignant disease as a cause for hip pain even if there is no direct indication of a neoplasm such as chondrosarcoma.

How quickly does chondrosarcoma grow?

Chondrosarcoma tends to grow slowly, so it might not cause signs and symptoms at first. When they occur, signs and symptoms of chondrosarcoma may include: Increasing pain. A growing lump or area of swelling.

Can chordomas be benign?

because they are relatively slow growing and they most often recur locally rather than spreading throughout the body. Because chordomas are low-grade, sometimes they are mistakenly called benign. Benign tumors do not invade other tissue, do not metastasize, and usually do not return after being removed.

Can you feel a chordoma tumor?

Because chordomas grow very slowly, they may start with subtle symptoms, or it may take years for any noticeable symptoms to appear. Some people feel a lump along their spine or at the base of the skull, while others may feel pain or pressure in nearby parts of the body that are affected by the growing chordoma.