What is the difference between caramel Delights and Samoas?
What is the difference between caramel Delights and Samoas?
Samoas are the more flavorful of the two, using a dark chocolate coating and a heavy caramel layer along with more toasted coconut. While Samoas put most of the emphasis on the toppings, Caramel deLites use them as a complement for the cookie. They include a milkier chocolate than Samoas and a light vanilla flavor.
Why did Girl Scouts change Samoas name?
You, curious reader, have probably already Googled and now know that no such name change occurred, because there are two Girl Scout Cookie companies. Little Brownie Bakers make Samoas, Tagalongs, and Thin Mints. ABC Bakers make Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, and Thin Mints.
What are Samoa Girl Scout cookies called now?
Caramel deLites
Samoas are now “Caramel deLites.” Do-si-dos are “Peanut Butter Sandwiches.” Tagalongs are “Peanut Butter Cookies” and Trefoils are “Shortbreads.” But how are we going to move cookies with dull names like “Peanut Butter Patties?” And won’t we get tired of explaining to customers what happened with the names?
Are Girl Scout Cookies smaller than they used to be?
It’s cookie season again, and Girl Scouts will have a lighter burden as they stand on doorsteps nationwide this year.
How much money does a Girl Scout troop get from a box of cookies?
All troops will receive a base proceeds price of 75 cents per box sold. Troops who met participation requirements for the 2021 Fall Product Sale will receive a base proceed of up to 79 cents per box sold.
Why do Girl Scout Cookies have two names?
Why do some cookies look the same but have different names? Each Girl Scout council contracts with one of two licensed bakers, whose recipes and ingredients may differ slightly: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. That’s why some of our cookies look the same but have two different names.