What is the difference between archegonium and Oogonium?

Oogonium is the female reproductive organ of certain algae and fungi. On the other hand, archegonium is the female reproductive organ of mosses, ferns and even some gymnosperms.

What’s the difference between antheridia and antheridium?

In bryophytes, certain non-vascular plants and algae, male sex organ that produces male gametes (sperms) is known as antheridium (plural antheridia). It is a haploid structure, and it produces many haploid male gametes. The female sex organ which produces female gametes is known as archegonium (plural archegonia).

What is the function of archegonium and antheridium?

are called archegonia; male gametangia, antheridia. At maturity, archegonia each contain one egg, and antheridia produce many sperm cells. Because the egg is retained and fertilized within the archegonium, the early stages of the developing sporophyte are protected and nourished by the gametophytic tissue.

What are antheridia and archegonia in plants?

The female sex organ in non-flowering plants is the archegonium, with archegonia being the plural form. The male sex organ in non-flowering plants is called an antheridium. A gametophyte is the haploid gamete-producing form of a plant, while a sporophyte is the spore-producing form of the plant.

What is the difference between Oogonium and Antheridium?

The oogonia of certain Thallophyte species are usually round or ovoid, with contents are divided into several uninucleate oospheres. This is in contrast to the male antheridia which are elongate and contain several nuclei.

Is archegonium present in Thallophyta?

Archegonium is not present in thallophyta.

What is the difference between Archegoniophore and archegonia?

The female gametangiophore is called an archegoniophore; it grows up from the thallus and consists of a stalk and an archegonial head with pendant (hanging) lobes or fingers. On the underside of the head are archegonia, each of which is like an inverted vase and holds a single haploid egg.

What is archegonium in biology?

archegonium, the female reproductive organ in ferns and mosses. An archegonium also occurs in some gymnosperms, e.g., cycads and conifers. A flask-shaped structure, it consists of a neck, with one or more layers of cells, and a swollen base—the venter—which contains the egg.

What is the definition of archegonium?

Definition of archegonium : the flask-shaped female sex organ of bryophytes, lower vascular plants (such as ferns), and some gymnosperms.

What are Antheridiophores and Archegoniophores?

Sexual reproduction involves sperm from antheridia on the male plant fertilizing an ovum (egg cell) in the archegonium of a female plant. The antheridia and archegonia are borne atop special gametophore stalks called antheridiophores and archegoniophores, respectively.

What is difference between antheridium and ascogonium?

Sexual reproduction starts with the development of special hyphae from either one of two types of mating strains. The “male” strain produces an antheridium (plural: antheridia) and the “female” strain develops an ascogonium (plural: ascogonia).

What is the definition of archegonia?

What is the difference between archegonia and antheridium?

An antheridium forms a large number of male gametes. 5. The male gametes produced in an antheridium are usually motile. 1. They are female organs of bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms. 2. Archegonia are usually flask-shaped in outline.

What is antheridium and archegonium in cryptogams?

Antheridium and archegonium are the two types of reproductive organs in cryptogams. Generally, cryptogams include pteridophytes, bryophytes, and thallophytes. They undergo a ‘hidden reproduction’ through the production of spores, without flowers or seeds. 1. What is Antheridium 2. What is Archegonium 3.

What is antheridium in biology?

Antheridium. Spermatogeneous tissue is tissue that contains numerous sperm-producing cells. The antheridium is also anchored down to the gametophyte just like the archegonium. The structure that anchors the antheridium is the stalk.

What is the shape of archegonium?

Archegonium is a multicellular haploid structure which has a flask shape with a long neck and swollen base. Each archegonium encloses an ovum which is the female gamete.