What is the difference between an XLS and XLSX file?

The File Format Difference Data is arranged in an XLS file as binary streams in the form of a compound file as described in [MS-XLS]. In contrast, an XLSX file is based on Office Open XML format that stores data in compressed XML files in ZIP format.

What is the default file format of Excel 2010?

Answer: Microsoft Excel 2010 supports the use of an XML-based file format called the Microsoft Office Open XML format. This file format carries the filename extension . xlsx for Excel workbooks and .

What is a XLSX file?

XLSX is a zipped, XML-based file format. Microsoft Excel 2007 and later uses XLSX as the default file format when creating a new spreadsheet. Support for loading and saving legacy XLS files is also included. XLS is the default format used with Office 97-2003.

Should I save in XLS or XLSX?

For compatibility, XLS has higher compatibility than XLSX. XLS is readable by all Microsoft Excel versions while XLSX is only readable by Excel 2007 and later versions. besides, XLS is able to hold the spreadsheets either including Macros or not, while XLSX isn’t capable to support Macros.

What is the most common Excel format?

The most common data formats used to store data in files that can be read data into Excel are:

  • Existing Excel workbook or worksheet with extension .xls.
  • Existing Excel workbook or worksheet with extension .xlsx.
  • Comma-separated values text file with extension .csv.
  • Text file, often with extension .txt or extension .asc.

Can Excel 2010 Open xlsx files?

Microsoft Excel 2010 supports the use of an XML-based file format called the Microsoft Office Open XML format. This file format carries the filename extension . xlsx for Excel workbooks and . xlsm for macro-enabled workbooks.

What is the name of Excel file?

What is an Excel file extension?

Excel File extension Excel File format
.xlsx Excel workbook
.xlsm Excel macro-enabled workbook
.xlsb Excel binary workbook
.xltx Excel template

What file type is XLS?

Excel file formats

Format Extension
Excel 97- Excel 2003 Workbook .xls
Excel 97- Excel 2003 Template .xlt
Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook .xls
XML Spreadsheet 2003 .xml