What is the difference between a free gingival graft and a connective tissue graft?

Similar to a connective-tissue graft, free gingival grafts involve the use of tissue from the roof of the mouth. But instead of making a flap and removing tissue under the top layer of flesh, a small amount of tissue is removed directly from the roof of the mouth and then attached to the gum area being treated.

What is a free gingival autograft?

Free gingival autograft is one of the most common techniques used for a gingival recession in areas of inadequate attached gingiva in the mandibular anterior region. Fibrin sealants are human plasma derivatives that mimic the final stages of blood coagulation, forming a fibrin clot.

What is the purpose of a free gingival graft?

The objective of a free gingival graft procedure is to reconstruct a sufficiently robust band of gum (keratinized gingivae) tissue to effectively restore the support lost. A free gingival graft is harvested from the outer layer of gum tissue on the palate.

What are the four types of tissue grafts?

Tissue Graft

  • Dental Implant.
  • Antigen.
  • Transplantation.
  • Protein.
  • Allograft.
  • Autograft.
  • Tendon.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

What are the different types of gum grafts?

There are also four different types of gum grafts that your implant dentist may recommend, including:

  • Connective Tissue Grafts.
  • Free Soft Tissue Autogenous Graft.
  • Double Papilla Subepithelial Graft.
  • Pedicle Graft.

What is the free gingiva?

The free gingival margin is the area located between the sulcular epithelium and the epithelium of the oral cavity. This interface exists at the most coronal point of the gingiva, which is also known as the crest of the marginal gingiva. The gingival margin (F) is the most coronal point of the gingiva.

Which is Mucogingival surgery?

Mucogingival surgery is plastic surgery designed to correct defects in the gingiva surrounding the teeth. Common mucogingival conditions are recession, absence, or reduction of keratinized tissue, and probing depths extending beyond the mucogingival junction.

What is free soft tissue graft?

Free gingival grafting is the procedure of removing a small piece of soft tissue from the roof of your mouth. Using stitches, your dentist will suture this tissue to the gum area affected by the recession. The soft tissue extracted from the roof of your mouth is usually more resistant than opening a flap.

What is a free soft tissue graft?

What is a free graft?

Free grafting is a process in which tissue used for repairs of holes and defects is obtained from a different part of the body. The “grafts” obtained are placed in a new area that is being repaired. These types of grafts are called “free” because they are taken separately from a distant part of the body.