What is the difference between a dubbel and a tripel?

Today, these style names are used mainly as marketing words, where the “Dubbel” is a particularly dark beer with a 6-7.5% ABV, the Tripel is a pale gold beer with higher ABV (7-10%), and the Quad is typically a dark amber that can range up to 11% ABV.

Why is it called Belgian Dubbel?

Belgian Dubbel Essential Info The “lowest” of the number-sounding Belgian beer names, created by Belgian monks at the Westmalle Monastery in between the late 19th and early 20th century (they brewed a stronger version of what they drank at the abbey, hence “dubbel,” or “double,” and the rest is history).

What is a Belgian style Quadrupel?

Quad, which fully stands for Quadrupel, is a dark strong Belgium style beer. Its overall appearance is amber to dark brown but peppery and bready. While Quadrupels are known to be mild in their hoppiness and sweetness, we were surprised by their alcoholic strength.

What’s the difference between a Belgian double and triple?

A double, sometimes spelled “dubbel,” is usually a darker amber or brown beer with an ABV of 6%-7.5% Chimay Red and Rochefort 6 are two great and readily available versions. A triple, sometimes spelled trippel or tripel, usually is a golden beer ranging from 8% to 9.5% (although there are some that go much higher).

What does a dubbel beer taste like?

The Belgian-style dubbel ranges from brown to very dark in color. They have a malty sweetness and can have cocoa and caramel aromas and flavors. Hop bitterness is medium-low to medium. Yeast-generated fruity esters (especially banana) can be apparent.

What does a Belgian Dubbel taste like?

Why is it called a tripel?

The name tripel was generally used for the strongest beer in a monastery’s repertoire. The story goes that barrels were traditionally marked with X’s to signify strength, so three X’s would be for that abbey’s tripel.

How do you say Tripel?

A tripel is pronounced the same way as you’d say “triple.” Dubbel is “double.” Singel, “single.”

How do you pronounce geuze?

The Dutch spell it “geuze” and the pronunciation is a little trickier for English speakers, but give it a try: “Heww-Za”, where the “eww” part is pronounced like when a little kid expresses disgust as with “Eww gross!” (Audio clip below.)

What does tripel mean in beer?

Tripels. A tripel is a Belgian style of beer. Our take on the style is golden, balanced, and has a wide array of yeast-derived aromas. Usually clocking in at a higher (for beer) alcohol content, you’ll often find tripels in the 8%-10% ABV range. For reference, wine is generally around 12% ABV.