What is the difference between a depression a storm and a typhoon?

If sustained winds increase to 25 mph (40 kph), the storm is called a tropical depression. When the wind speeds reach 39 mph (63 kph) it is classified a tropical storm. Then, above 74 mph (119 kph), we use the terms hurricane, typhoon and tropical cyclone. But don’t just focus purely on wind speeds.

What are the 4 types of tropical storms?

Tropical Storm Classifications

  • Average Numbers. Each year on average, 10 tropical storms (of which six become hurricanes) develop over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico.
  • Tropical Disturbance.
  • Tropical Depression.
  • Tropical Storm.
  • Hurricane.

What are some differences between a hurricane tropical depression and a tropical storm quizlet?

What is the difference between a tropical depression, a tropical storm, and a hurricane? -A tropical depression has wind speeds of up to 61 kilometers per hour. -A tropical storm has winds between 61 and 119 kilometers per hour. -A hurricane has winds of 119 kilometers per hour of greater.

What is the difference between a storm and a hurricane?

Wind speed is actually the only factor separating a tropical storm from a hurricane. For instance, a hurricane has to have sustained winds of 74 MPH or more, and a tropical storm can have sustained winds that are 73 MPH or less, according to the Weather Channel.

Which is worse tropical storm or depression?

Here’s the difference. Tropical depressions form when a low-pressure area is accompanied by thunderstorms that produce maximum winds below 39 mph. As for tropical storms, those are more severe. Depressions become storms when winds reach between 39 and 73 mph.

What are the five categories of hurricane?

Hurricane Categories

  • Category One: Winds 74 to 95 miles per hour (mph).
  • Category Two: Winds 96 to 110 mph.
  • Category Three: Winds 111 to 130 mph.
  • Category Four: Winds 131 to 155 mph.
  • Category Five: Winds greater than 155 mph.

What are 3 types of hurricanes?

Category 1 hurricane = sustained winds of 74-95 mph. Category 2 hurricane = sustained winds of 96-110 mph. Category 3 hurricane = sustained winds of 111-129 mph.

What are the five types of hurricanes?

How hurricanes are categorized

  • Category 1: Winds of 74-95 mph (119-153 km/h)
  • Category 2: Winds of 96-110 mph (154-177 km/h)
  • Category 3: Winds of 111-129 mph (178-208 km/h)
  • Category 4: Winds of 130-156 mph (209-251 km/h)
  • Category 5: Winds exceeding 157 mph (252 km/h)

Are hurricanes the most powerful storms on earth?

Hurricanes are the most powerful storms on Earth. Whether called typhoons in the western Pacific or cyclones in the Indian Ocean, damage and destruction result wherever they strike land.

What is considered a tropical storm?

They are classified as follows: Tropical Depression: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 38 mph (33 knots) or less. Tropical Storm: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph (34 to 63 knots). Hurricane: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 74 mph (64 knots) or higher.

Which is worse hurricane or tropical storm?

The difference between the two categories is the strength of the wind, or how strong the low pressure is, which drives the wind. A storm is categorized as a tropical storm if its winds are between 39 and 72 mph. A tropical storm is upgraded to a category 1 hurricane once its winds reach 74 mph.

What are the five categories of hurricanes?