What is the dictionary of occupational titles used for?

The Dictionary of Occupational Titles or D-O-T (DOT) refers to a publication produced by the United States Department of Labor which helped employers, government officials, and workforce development professionals to define over 13,000 different types of work, from 1938 to the late 1990s.

What replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

O*NET, the Occupational Information Network, is replacing the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) as a source of oc- cupational information. O*NET is a database—not a book, like the DOT. This database has the qualities of both an interactive library and a language.

What are the three main categories used in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

There are three different arrangements of occupational titles in the DOT: the Occupational Group Arrangement, the Alphabetical Index, and the Industry Arrangement. All of these can assist you in identifying and classifying jobs.

How do you read the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

The parts are listed below in the order in which they appear in every definition: (1) The Occupational Code Number (2) The Occupational Title (3) The Industry Designation (4) Alternate Titles (if any) (5) The Body of the Definition (a) Lead Statement (b) Task Element Statements (c) “May” Items (6) Undefined Related …

What information does the Dictionary of Occupational Titles provide for each job listed?

Each DOT listing contains seven components. First, the nine-digit occupational code number provides a unique code for each job, classifying the job in terms of occupational category (e.g., professional, technical, or managerial; clerical and sales) and worker functions in terms of data, people, and things.

Where is the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

Dictionary of Occupational Titles DOT – Job Descriptions – www.occupationalinfo.org.

When was the Dictionary of Occupational Titles last updated?

The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) was created under the sponsorship by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), and was last updated in 1991.

How many occupational titles are there?

The nine primary occupational categories are listed below: 0/1 Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations. 2 Clerical and Sales Occupations. 3 Service Occupations.

What’s the DOT code?

Tires made in the United States have the DOT serial number located on the inside sidewall near the rim. The letters “DOT” are followed by eight to thirteen letters and/or numbers that identify where the tire was manufactured, tire size and the manufacturer’s code, along with the week and year the tire was manufactured.

How do I get a DOT code?

How many job titles are there in the dot?

The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) is a comprehensive compilation of 12,099 coded (9-digit) job definitions classified in nine defined major categories, 82 defined 2-digit divisions, and 559 defined 3-digit groups. More than 28,000 job titles are in the file.

What is occupation job code 030?

This group includes occupations concerned with the analysis and evaluation of procedures and processes to design a sequence of steps for processing data by a computer.