What is the density of exoplanets?

Such exoplanets achieve a peak bulk density of 7.6 grams per cubic centimeter at a physical size of 1.5 times the radius of Earth.

Is Kepler 37c habitable?

Astronomers think Kepler-37b does not have an atmosphere and cannot support life as we know it. The tiny planet almost certainly is rocky in composition. Kepler-37c, the closer neighboring planet, is slightly smaller than Venus, measuring almost three-quarters the size of Earth.

Is Kepler 70b habitable?

95-1.4), or 3.65-7.39 AU (using the optimistic estimate; . 84-1.7). No matter which estimate is used though, Kepler 70b orbits at a distance of 0.006 AU from its host star, where it receives extreme radiation. It is not even close to being inside the habitable zone.

What planets are denser than Earth?

Planetary Densities

Planet Average Density (gm/cm3) Required Mass for 70 cm3 (gm)
Earth 5.5 385.0
Mars 3.9 273.0
Jupiter 1.3 91.0
Saturn 0.7 49.0

What planets are less dense than Earth?

Earth is the fourth smallest of the planets—though in terms of the rocky planets, it’s the largest—but it’s the most dense. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, but it’s Saturn—the solar system’s second largest planet—that takes the prize for least dense.

Which exoplanet is smallest?

planet Kepler-37b
Tiny Moon-Size Alien World Is the Smallest Exoplanet. The discovery of a strange new world about the size of Earth’s moon has shattered the record for the smallest known alien planet, scientists say. The newfound alien planet Kepler-37b is the first exoplanet discovered to be smaller than Mercury.

What is the smallest habitable world?


Star Kepler-37
Physical characteristics
Mean radius 0.354 (± 0.014) R Earth
Mass 0.01 +5.99 −0.01 M Earth

Is Kepler 70b hotter than the sun?

It has a surface temperature of 27730 ± 270 K, nearly 6 times as hot as the surface temperature of the Sun, which has a surface temperature of 5778 K.

What is the hottest exoplanet?

It weighs about three times the mass of Jupiter and boasts surface temperatures of 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,300 degrees Celsius). This makes KELT-9b the hottest exoplanet (opens in new tab) so far discovered. It’s even hotter than some stars.

Is Kepler-11 habitable?

None of the extrasolar planets are inside the so-called “habitable zone” – orbits where water could exist as a liquid on their surfaces, scientists said. The five inner planets in the Kepler-11 system range in size from 2.3 to 13.5 times the mass of Earth.